Krish's "Rubik's cube"

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Update!!!! I got 2 more corals today as well as 2 new fish. The sad thing is one of the little kids that went out in the boat with us accidentally killed the royal gramma so I didn't get to add him to my tank.

Here are my new corals...This one is my favorite and is starting to come out. The other one, none of the polyps are out yet so I'll save the close up for later, but if you look at the full tank shot, it is the coral that looks like a purple finger(LOL) behind the gorgonian I always had. When the polyps are fully out, it almost hides the purple completely!

As for the fish, the black damsel with the pretty blue dots is the one I have. He's hiding in the tank now so no photos yet, but he's living. The other fish I threw back and just caught for their pics because I could(LOL) The tangs were stressed from my wife's little cousins :shock:

And the pretty royal gramma that died...That really hurt because I really wanted to put him in the tank. The tang will be out of there shortly as well...

Yet another nice addition! As this tank matures, I really feel it's going to be exceptionally beautiful, most because it's a tank full of corals that are supposed to be together. Most of our tanks are a mish-mash of corals from all over the world, mine included. While this has its own appeal, there's just something about a regional tank.... I can't wait to see this one mature.

What are you going to do with your tang? Was it also a wild caught?
Thanks Jason and the tang wasn't wild caught. Infact that tang can't be found in our waters...It was given to me as a gift with my clowns (imported shhhh ;) ) and will go in my old 75gal that is in Papa Johns restaurant. I think you would have died if you saw this place I snorkled around today! I already ran on about it on my Bahamas thread, but it was just amazing!!! Any color gargonian, fan, elkhorn, staghorn etc you can imagine one after the other! Some were atleast 4 feet tall and were all in water no deeper than 8ft! It looked like a forest of colorful corals! When Rob comes, I'm sorry, but I will be fragging! He knows more about the different corals than I do so he can tell me what will work and what won't. I'm going to frag off pieces of the coral and leave the rest intact (if it can be done safely) I will carry an underwater camera my cousin has as well so you guys can see for yourselves...Remarkable to say the least! Gave me tons of hope for our reefs! Rob comes a week from tomorrow so in about 2 weeks you won't see as much rock in my tank;)
Jewel Damselfish= Satan Incarnate, the colors will dull with time, unfortunetely. I can only wish you good luck with it. Everything else is looking great.
Thanks on the compliment Jorge!:) About the damsel, yeah, they are some mean buggers! I've read about them. He's about the size of a quarter so I figured I'd keep him for a bit. My friend who bought my old 75gal (which is in Papa John's) will more than likely take him when he gets bigger or if he is a nuicance. I'm not worrying though...My clowns have been there longer and if he acts up, they'll deal with him:p
Here are a few photos. This is the coral I was waiting to come out. I glued all the frags down and re-located some as well as cut the bad bottom off that new coral. I also had to put the Y's back on the top outputs because the flow coming out was a bit too strong so we'll see if the corals like it this way better. I will add the new photos later when the tank settles and everything comes back out. The damsel I got, I don't think will make it. If you look good, the clowns look like they had his tail for a snack:shock:
Clowns are in the damsel family so the majority leader will win:D Mumm Damsel tail!:badgrin:
Nice work Krish, what did you use to glue?
LOL...I used super glue. It looks a lot better how it is setup now. I just took a few shots, but will wait to see if all the polyps come out before I post any. The purple gargonians I had first like the flow much better this way. The are coming out more than before. With the flow wide open they stayed in. Hopefully I'm on to something:)

I'll post a few pics later tonight:)