My 55 gal

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Good Job Brady!

Your tank is looking good to my eyes!

It's been a while since i've checked out this site... hope all is well and you're getting good info:)

...but the tank looks like it's coming together nicely. Now you just need to get a bigger one!:D

How's your Ca/Alk project coming along?

Hopefully things will start growing like weeds and you can give me some corals:p

Alright, I think I've reached my limit. The rule is three smile faces per thread max right? I've annoyed everyone here I'm sure!

But keep up the good work!


Hey man nice to see you on the comp now. Everything is going good with the tank and all. The alk/cal is going good so far... I will be more then happy to give you anything from my tank. But not the red zoas :) Thanks again for the corals and the set up of the tank..
well i have waited long enough. Im going to add some more corals to the tank :) some zoa's for sure and some other things. i need to find a place to put the stuff :) Will post pics later
well i picked some more zoa's today. And no there not the orange ones :) i was going to but i need some new colors in there. Im acclimating them now so hope i will have some pics tonight...
well here are some new pics not the best. I picked up some nice zoa's. One set of zoa's hasnt opened up yet but you get the idea..I should have a nice mix of zoa's after they all grow..

i have been fighting the urge to get a bigger tank :) like a 120.. we have been talking about it and we have been checking the prices and stuff so who knows :)