My new "cube"

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Here's a picture of him and the newest tank mate I added about a month ago. As for the hex lets just say it's a long story that I don't wish to talk about on the forum :doubt: Your welcome to come by and check it out! I should have water in this one no later than next weekend...still have lots to do before and after the water goes in but it will get up and start the cycle. Hey PlumberBob, you didn't answer my questions to the PM ;)
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I have to get out and come see you tank and new house. how is every one in tacoma doing? I hope to see you guys at the meeting this month. It will be the first one I attended this new year. If you need help setting up the new tank than PM me and I can come help.
As far as I know everyone out this way is doing great! At least I know Trevor and I are ;) Thanks for the offer of help, I will be getting the Oceans Motions device tomorrow, Tuesday I will get 'r all plumbed and Thursday wet test. Don't really need any help, but say a few prayers for the plumbing :p It's my first major project. I will let everyone know when it is up and cycled then maybe I can have all the locals over for a tank christening party/house warming party.
I have no idea how I missed this thread until now, but man......this is smokin!!!

I cant wait to see this bad boy up and running! And I thought my stand was over engineered!!

I know you must impatient to get this done in a hurry. I know I've been chomping at the bit to get my all done. Slow and steady does it. Just try and fit in time to get things done when you have time. I know school eats up a bunch of your time, then theres that whole work on the house and the wife wants to see ya happens man. You'll get that tank filled before you know it.

Any thoughts on what skimmer you're going with?


The Lion Fish is looking great!!!! I'm sure once I get down to Arizona at the beginning of March I will start up another tank and get yet another Lion Fish. I know both you and I stand on the same level when it comes to Lion Fish, I'm glad you bought him, he looks very happy. Anyways, hopefully the coral and fish selection down south will be wonderful. I don't know of any places down there so hopefully I can find some..

I already have a skimmer made by Reeffan here on Reeffrontiers, he is a member of PSAS that I met back when we had the tank tour in Spring. It's a beckett unit that is good to about 200g judging by the way it was working on just my substrate that I was trying to clean up it should do a great job! He does some great work and makes other stuff as well that I will be getting down the road. In theory this project has been 6+ months in the works, but didn't really start to be a reality until we moved into our new house. Waiting on the equipment has been the longest part (due to money, etc) now that school is done all of my spare time is in the cube project. My goal of Thursday to have water in it is actually pretty conservative since everything will be here by tomorrow (new 8 way).
Bobby when are you leaving? You need to come see your baby before you go! I have been so thankful that you let me have him ;) The two lionfish get along great together and you will surely get another down the road as we both know that once you get invloved with them it's hard to ever do without.

I'm leaving February 28th right after I graduate from college. I will definitely try to make it down there one of these weekends. Especially since you are only 20 minutes away :)
Got most of the plumbing done today as well...with the help of or very own Marine Dreamer :D If you look at the wall there you can see that I have already made my holes for the plumbing to the "sump room" (closet behind the tank) used some 4 1/2" ABS fittings to clean up the holes.
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You done good son!! Todd your 8 way looks different than what I saw on the website. I'm guessing that Paul has changed the design from the box to the same cylinder as the 4 way. Looks great!
One word of advice...make sure that all of your Loc-Line is under water. It is not quite air tight and under heavy flow, (like in my tank for example) it will suck in air and generate micro bubbles....sigh, I have to re-plumb ......again.
Cant wait to see when you have this beast all filled up!

I also learned the hard way not to get too crazy with the glue on the Oceans Motions...yeah I glued it, but I caught it right away and was able to clean it up, no harm done :D As for my loc-line it should all be under water, even the returns, if not I can always slap a few more holes in the tank :badgrin:
Here's a few shots of the OM plumbing. Maxx, yeah that's the newest 8-way there, it is based on the 4-way body, it turned out real nice for the plumbing. Just hope my glue leaks!!!
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Man, That looks like an Octopus on acid!! I hated playing with the Spa flex on my closed loop. Was it bad with that thing?

A little scary at times when I was actually gluing :eek: But all in all not too bad :) I'll let you know how I really feel about it after I wet test it. Now the space between the bulkheads in the overflow...that was a pure PITA :evil: Here is a shot to show what I did in fun!
wow that should provide some great water movement. Now just add four tunze streams and a wavebox and that should be a good start at a softcoral tank. :)
Let me know when you want to come down and check 'er out, I will have weekends off after this next weekend. We are looking at doing a house warming/ tank warming party in the very near future :D