My new "cube"

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Just have to say, Awesome, very nice project. I guess one day I can dream of doing something of the sorts, until then I'll just tag along to see your progress. Awesome!
I'm really wanting to see how your flow system works out, wish I could see it up close.
Thanks for the complements everyone :exclaim: Scooterman, yeah I can't wait to see how my flow system works as well :rolleyes: I hope I did everything right, and there willl be no leaks :shock: I guess if there is I can always refer back to Nikki's thread :lol: Bobby, I sent you a PM, looking forward to having you over to the new place.
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Why is it Todd, that you're getting all the compliments, but I'm the one sportin' the blister? :confused: I guess all that college education is paying off after all! :lol:

And people, just to keep Todd honest here, I took A LOT of pictures of his attempts to get that plumbing in the over-flow put together. He was dripping sweat once he got it all together. But, in his defense, this is one sharp project.

Let us know how the leak test goes! :cool:
All I can say about the space inside the oveflow......ewwwww....
I was an unhappy person when dealing with my overflow closed loop outlets. You should be sittin pretty here soon. at least got beer and pizza right?

Trevor, after finishing up everything yesturday I have several blisters now :lol: Working with that overflow connection made my arms feel like I spent hours in the gym :p Beer and Pizza might be the order for the party :D
There a seconded motion on the floor for pizza and beer, A.K.A “The Tank Warming Party.”

All those in favor?

(And sadly, while lunch was covered, there was no fermented nothing provided. I think that was on the premise that the glue fumes had altered our mental state well enough. :D )
Well as long as someone had some incapacitated brain cells...thats really the whole point of the beer. Makes the realization of how expensive this hobby really is, not so painful.
maxx said:
Well as long as someone had some incapacitated brain cells...thats really the whole point of the beer. Makes the realization of how expensive this hobby really is, not so painful.
A point that has hit home so very hard with this project :lol: As Trevor so aptly asked once "Is nothing cheap in this hobby"? More glue! Trevor it is almost completely done now. Just spoke with Chris and he said that I could do my wet test tonight....yipee :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim:
Ran into a bit of a snag tonight water testing. One of my joints (Return to the Sequence pump) was leaking bad :cry: I was a little worried about it after I did it b/c there was a bit more primer in it than the other joints, might have even been a puddle (bad) anyway it just pulled apart so it was obviously a bad seal. I redid it and will try again in the morning...well later in the morning :p
Now I am very thankful that I went the extra step and put true union valves on everything; made it so easy to tear the pump away and fix my leak, it will come in handy for the maintenance as well :cool: Here is a couple shots of the fillup...bring on the water :D
Got all my leaking problems solved today...more filling :D
Here are a few shots to show off the Oceans Motions in action :cool:
I will finish filling tomorrow am and put some salt in her...let the cycle begin :p
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Last pm had a bit of a leak from my return line to the Sequence pump, so I tightened it down a bit and all was well...until I woke up this am (Saturday) to a nice wet floor, not much but it was getting there, almost to the water bug (would not have been fun) :oops: Here is a shot of the culprit, it is the glued fitting, it got loosened by my tightening of the threaded one :evil: So I spent my morning draining the tank and reglueing the fitting. What a royal PITA, thought I was going to get to fill the tank up all the way and instead I'm draining :cry:
So I got off work early last night (Saturday) and quickly went back at it. Tank is now full and so far no leaks :D Everything is working great, the CJStandpipe is very quiet and the sequence pump and Oceans Motions is giving me crazy flow :p Some of that turbulence will settle when I get all the loc-line in but I will still have great random flow :cool:
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If all is well when I get up tomorrow then I will go ahead and add salt :D
For anyone interested, here is a shot of my temporary sump in the "sump room" (closet) behind the tank.
All leaks are gone now...fingers crossed, and salt is in her :) Chris (Indoor Reef) came over this morning and brought the lights, a pair of Reef Optic III's in 250W flavor,should have those set up on a temp holder tonight :cool:
Here is a shot of me putting the first load of salt in :D Sorry for all the pictures like this...but it's my showcase and it's my first "big" there :p