My New Metal Halides

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Is there a way you can get a fan on either end of that new canopy, 1 in and 1 out. Right now, I would be running those fans 24/7 to give you a hand with the temp. Are you sure that your thermometer is accurate???

I could put one on either end if I cut holes in the canopy. I thought about doing one side which no-one would see, but haven't thought about the other side yet...About the thermometer, it's a new one which I thought may be reading wrong, but I had Andrew bring his over last night and it read the same thing. The fish are doing great which is cool I guess because the temp doesn't fluctuate much at all, but last night was just me trying to get everything hooked up so I really didn't get a chance to play with the fans, especially since I didn't know I had a heat issue until I popped in the thermometer. The thermometer came in my order with my lights, but I read the temp before turning on the lights...

First take the fans off & mount them in front of the lamps, this will blow the heat out the back of the open part of you canopy, add two more fans on the sides of these blowing across the water surface on each side all blowing to the back, together they will pull the heat out of your tank but you still need to find what is making your tank warm in the first place. Do like you said with the mag, turn it off & let your tank stabilize.

K...I will try that as well. I'll toss the fans all over the place and see if it makes any difference anywhere. I put my hand down in my sump before going to work this morning to feel my two submersible pumps and the Mag5 for the skimmer didn't feel hot, but the return pump felt a bit warm for me and I don't know if it is because it is sitting in only like 5 inches of water at the end of my sump or what...I'll have to check that as well...

You will soon see my tank in the equipment for free forum soon! Everytime I take a step forward, I take two steps back! Maybe Paula Abdul wrote that song for me:p
After reading your other thread maybe according to Mike just run the fans across the water.

Which one? I have so many:p I pm'd Mike about having the fans blowing directly on my bulbs because Nikki posted a quote on my 75 gal thread, coming from Mike that a fan blowing directly on a bulb will change it's spectrum. I'll see what he says about that...It's not going to help the heat issue, but I'm interested to know if it will do any harm or just change the spectrum...:)
Krish, throw a bigger fan on your sump, blowing direcly across the water. Leave it on 24/7 until yuour temp issue has settled. I run a fan on my sump only for the duration that my halides are on, which is 9 hours. HTH
Krish, throw a bigger fan on your sump, blowing direcly across the water. Leave it on 24/7 until yuour temp issue has settled. I run a fan on my sump only for the duration that my halides are on, which is 9 hours. HTH

I have a small 3 inch fan that cools my stand 24/7 now, but not pointing directly on the water. Maybe I'll suspend a 5 inch right above my sump then and let it blow across...Lots of playing tonight afterwork it seems...:)
You may evaporate a little more this way!! I would also trim your photo period as well, just in case.
I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Yeah...I'm up to 1 gal a day which isn't bad, but I'm sure it will pick up. I did trim back my photo period last night. I shaved off 2 hours, but so far, the lights haven't changed the temperature at all. The fans only come on with lights, but i will add some that will run on the tank all the time. I have to run to Radio Shack and buy some more converters. A chiller sounds so much easier...:)
Yeah it does, but you are gonna have to convince your better half of that first. Nothing we say is gonna help there!!

LOL...I'll get it worked out. The only change really so far is the new canopy. Maybe a pump or a Tunze is heating up things all of a sudden. I'll have to unpug them individually and see, but definately I will move around the fans and add a few more in there.

Well, gotta run and do some work:D Thanks for all of the replies and help everyone. I feel selfish for not having a chance to visit all the other threads:doubt: I'll have to get back in the swing:)
big t said:
I am just messing with you Krish! I think it looks great. I know how difficult is it to get a well balanced shot with the 20k's, camera's just aren't made to take pictures in that spectrum. This is where photoshop comes into play.

Sure they are! The white balance setting can make it quite easy. I took a bunch of pictures of Mojo's tank (sans tripod, so they turned out like crap) with great colors just by tweaking the white balance...

I don't have access to a tank with MH right now (I only have PC), so I can't play around with the settings, but it should be easy to find through trial and error.

Sure they are! The white balance setting can make it quite easy. I took a bunch of pictures of Mojo's tank (sans tripod, so they turned out like crap) with great colors just by tweaking the white balance...

I don't have access to a tank with MH right now (I only have PC), so I can't play around with the settings, but it should be easy to find through trial and error.


Thanks Dylan...I'll keep trying:)

... so the Chiller might be happening eh

Who knows with me...I may just say screw it and do it, but not yt:)
I went home earlier today about 11:00 and took off the canopy all together and removed the halides and just sat my pc back on for the fish to have light for the day. I guess this will determine if the canopy is the issue with the heat and if so, to what extent. I got another power converter today as well to add in another fan or two and I will rotate those fans in the canopy around and try something different. I'll let you guys know what happens when I get home and see the temp:)

Thanks again for all of the help everyone:)
Hey Krish,
The other thing I have found to work well to vent heat out of the canopy is to cut holes in the top (about and inbetween the lights ) to allow heeat to escape naturally. I use the vent covers from HD (heating aisle) and paint them to match the canopy. This allows free flow of air and blocks most of the light from escaping. This also allows your fans to work easier as you push cooler outside air in the hot air escapes thru the top.

have fun!
Hey Krish,
The other thing I have found to work well to vent heat out of the canopy is to cut holes in the top (about and inbetween the lights ) to allow heeat to escape naturally. I use the vent covers from HD (heating aisle) and paint them to match the canopy. This allows free flow of air and blocks most of the light from escaping. This also allows your fans to work easier as you push cooler outside air in the hot air escapes thru the top.

have fun!

Thanks Reed...I had the same idea and actually went to a few marine stores to find some vents, but I didn't find crap!!! I know of a few other places I can check and I'll check them out this weekend as well. I really hope it is just the canopy. That will basically be an easy fix. I guess when I get home, I'll know for sure when I read the temp.

BTW I didn't get that info yet Reed... The guy is out until the morning so I'll let you know then:)
As they say in the worries's too short to rush

krish75 said:
Thanks Reed...I had the same idea and actually went to a few marine stores to find some vents, but I didn't find crap!!! I know of a few other places I can check and I'll check them out this weekend as well. I really hope it is just the canopy. That will basically be an easy fix. I guess when I get home, I'll know for sure when I read the temp.

BTW I didn't get that info yet Reed... The guy is out until the morning so I'll let you know then:)
Looks great Krish! You should have a black background with that spectrum man. It will look alot better.

I'm kidding :D
Looks great Krish! You should have a black background with that spectrum man. It will look alot better. I'm kidding

Thanks Ron...I'm glad you like it. I think a clear background without water or anything in it will be the direction my tank is going when I put it out on the patio...

I know this won't sound like the usual positve person you guys see posting here all the time talking like this, but...I don't know. I'm tired:doubt: I moved the fans around as you can see in the photos and added in a 3rd one in the center to push the air out the back, but it happened to be a bad fan so I had to take it off and in any event, my temperature dropped to 84F. Well, put it like this, when I came home and checked the temperature after having the canopy off all day, the temperature was 84.5. So I guess the fans dropped it half a degree. Not sure how much it will drop by the morning, because I left the fans on to see, but I doubt I will see any difference. If I does drop any, I'm sure it won't be 3-4 degrees. Not sure what I am going to do. I'm tired of spending money on this tank to get it "right" to have it always ending up being something else like a chiller now which seems like the only way to go because I'm not interested in butchering up my new canopy for fans that may not work, or tossing in frozen bottles of water for the rest of my life. I'm just tired of dissapoinments despite all of my efforts. I figure I will have to leave it as a FOWLR setup or just take it down. I know there are many options out there, but right now, I don't know...I hope I feel better about things tomorrow and I'm just talking like this because I am kinda pissed and depressed...I can order a chiller tomorrow if I wanted, but there is no space to put one. I had to sit my ballast outside of my stand between the stand and wall as it is and even there that is cramped. Anyways...Thank you everyone for all of your help. I'm not sure what lies ahead for me, but right now, I need to rest my mind...

krish are you using a fan on your sump too? Just a thought with your canopy, can you move the fans to the back and have one pushing air in and one pulling it out?