My New Metal Halides

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hmm ok here is my idea... you send me your canopy and i send you my tooth brushes AND eggcrate that way you will always have ventilation in there :lol: :lol:.

ohh and toss that background covering the back of the stand :p :D
I was looking at your sump area pictures and IMO you need to find a way to let air circulate better in there. To me it seems too "enclosed". If the doors remain closed basically you're just circulating hot air in there with the fans.

This mystery has me looking every direction Dude , I'm really trying to help you figure this one out

Oh...The back is coming off tomorrow when I do my water change. I would have done it today, but I have to disconnect every plug and hose to do it so I figured I'd wait for the water change. Too bad if in there doesn't look neat anymore:p The tank is for viewing;) Thanks for looking out and trying to help me solve this issue as well...I appreciate all the help and suggestions I've gotten from everyone so far:)

hmm ok here is my idea... you send me your canopy and i send you my tooth brushes AND eggcrate that way you will always have ventilation in there .

How about I send you my skimmate!:p K...going back down again to see what's new...
How about I send you my skimmate! K...going back down again to see what's new...

naww it's ok i got some of that, but you can always send me your skimmer even though i'd be afraid since it seems like it likes to flood floors :p :lol:
finn said:
IceCap has some pretty nice fans, but very expensive and IMO noisey.
The push/pull 102cfm at almost 48dba.
I wouldn't be afraid to lose the flow from the mag 9.5. You have tremendous flow with your tunzes.
The clip-on fan in the sump and a couple "good" canopy fans should cool your tank.

Those would sound like a jet engine LOL.. the fans I just got are 21db flowing 78cfm of air, and on top of that were $4each :D

Krish man you will get it figured out, glad you havent given up

edited decible rating :D still quiet :p
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That's what the doors are for in front You close the doors and everything looks very neat.


Krish man you will get it figured out, glad you havent given up

Naw man...Not a quitter. I may end up with a 3 gallon nano though:lol:

Well, I fixed the fans back to how they were and turned them back on to cool off the tank again. What do you think about mounting a fan in the center of the canopy mounted mid way as well, which will catch the air coming from the 2 side fans and have the center one setup, to blow the air out? Think that's worth a try?
Well, the temp has already started going down. The fans definately work where they are. I have (4) 3 inch fans here that I'm not using. I'm almost thinking of seting one up on both ends of the tank, blowing in cool air to the fans mounted on the sides, and then mount (1) in the center to catch the air and push it out the canopy...Just another thought.
I just reread some missed posts, I didnt realize your sump area was closed up. Taking the back off should make a big difference.
Are the 3" fans worth bothering with? Will you get enough benefit for the effort?
Willy had abetter link to some fans than the ones I was looking at. I may go with those myself.
Are the 3" fans worth bothering with? Will you get enough benefit for the effort?
Willy had abetter link to some fans than the ones I was looking at. I may go with those myself.

They blow pretty nice for the size. I have one running in my stand now that has done well in there. Not sure though. I will pull of that back to my stand tomorrow and run that 6 inch sump fan like I did today and see what happens. I checked those measurements again on that chiller on PA's website and I think I may be able to squeeze it in where my ballast is. I'll measure the space tomorrow. I want to find out for sure if it will fit or not, just incase. I'll go check that link of Scotts again:)
I just reread some missed posts, I didnt realize your sump area was closed up. Taking the back off should make a big difference.

I hope so man...That may be the ticket with the sump fan. If I can cool my sump better with fresh cool air with that back off, it may just be enough. I could hope:)
I still dont think you will need a chiller, our systems are very similar. After my lights were on all day (12 hours) tank was only 80 degrees.
I still dont think you will need a chiller, our systems are very similar. After my lights were on all day (12 hours) tank was only 80 degrees.

I hope not...But summer is soon here and it gets really hot! Anyways, I've been patient with the tank so far, so it doesn't make sense me rushing and getting frustrated. My fish don't seem to care about the temp swings and I don't have any corals so I'll just keep at it until I get it. I tried to find that link Martin said you posted, but I haven't found it yet...Going to look some more:)
Hey did you ever asnwer Steve's question dood?
about the window behind, do you ever let the sun go through it?

I'd be in terrible trouble if the sun came through that window:lol: That is to my enclosed back patio. No sun in there:)
Hey have you thought about maybe putting a chimmeny on it? Sorry, I'm pretty tired right now.
Realy what I mean is fans blowing up out the top. Heat rises.
Willy said:
I still dont think you will need a chiller, our systems are very similar. After my lights were on all day (12 hours) tank was only 80 degrees.

Scott - you have to remember that Krish is in the Bahamas, though. You'll find out about mid summer when our temps get really high, how your tank does with its new lights. We are still pretty mild right now, and I don't even need my chiller on yet. It makes a difference, even when the A/C is on. Krish's climate would probably compare to our nasty summer humidity and heat. I'm not saying Krish has to get a chiller, and I hope the few things he has left to try do work. I'm just saying it is hard to make comparisons on your systems being similar, when the climate they are in is so different. Once you have your new lights on the tank through the summer, you'll be able to make a better comparison. Make sense?
NaH2O said:
Scott - you have to remember that Krish is in the Bahamas, though. You'll find out about mid summer when our temps get really high, how your tank does with its new lights. We are still pretty mild right now, and I don't even need my chiller on yet. It makes a difference, even when the A/C is on. Krish's climate would probably compare to our nasty summer humidity and heat. I'm not saying Krish has to get a chiller, and I hope the few things he has left to try do work. I'm just saying it is hard to make comparisons on your systems being similar, when the climate they are in is so different. Once you have your new lights on the tank through the summer, you'll be able to make a better comparison. Make sense?

That is true, I forget he lives in paradise :p. I hope I am able to maintain a decent temp later on in the summer:|
LOL...Well, I turned off that closed loop last night which the mag950 was connected to and my temp was 76.9F this morning. So, I got a pair of pliers, pvc cutters and ripped the whole closed loop out and threw it on the patio. I then disconnected everything from my tank and took the whole back off of the stand so now you can see right out the back (the wall is alot prettier than the back back I had:p) I re-mounted the fan that sat over my sump (the 6 inch white one, but moved it closer to the sump where it can blow on it much better. Now I am just debating if I should put the (2) 3 inch fans all the way to the top of the canopy in the center about mid way in, and have them on the timer with the lights, to push the hot air out of the canopy. I figured, the side fans will be pushing air towards the center so I may as well, let the 2 3inch fans just suck up that hot air and push it out the back. I think I'll try that first, before I resort to cutting the canopy. In any event, just the back being off of the stand I can now get cool air in there to circulate as well as getting rid of that CL, I may not go up to much. I will probably just set up those (2) 3 inch fans and not cut them on unless the temp starts to go up too much. That way I can tell if they are needed and if so, if they help the situation that way:)