My Upgrade to a 265 gallon display.

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Hey Krish, how you doing bud. Yeah cool thanks. I've changed my rockscape slightly and started moving some of my livestock back in. I need to take some updated pics for you guys. So far everything has responded well and I've suffered no casualties from the move. My Elegance was my biggest worry but he seems fine thank God.

Very elegant man. No worries...You've done well:)
It's been a while since I've updated this thread so here are some pics. They pretty crappy, I'm battling to take some decent shots but here goes anyway:

Left side of the tank


My elegance coral that has survived 3 moves

Sump completed and fully functioning

Shaving cream :)
WOW!!! Looks incredible! Very inspirational!

How long have you had the elegance? You definately are doing something right if it has survived 3 moves!
Thanks guy's,

Nikki I've had the Elegance for about 2 years now. It's survived 3 moves but I think there's quite a bit of luck involved as well. There was a time here when so many reefers were having losses with Elegance corals who put there's through a whole lot less stress than I have.
I've added quite a few new pieces of livestock in the last 3 weeks including a small but awesome piece of "Incredible Hulk" Monti Danae.
I'm having a few problems with some hair algae at the moment, which is more than likely a result of new tank syndrome. I'm running Rowaphos through a reactor and about 1 and a half litres of carbon passivley in the sump.
I've also added a Kole tang to help graze.
Another issue is my evapouration. Losing about 3 - 4 gallons a day. With the other systems I'm running I'm finding that I run my RO machine almost 24/7 to keep up with demand.
Still need to get my semi auto water changer up and running but my work schedule has been so hectic lately that I just can't find the time to do things at the moment.
Also holding thumbs that I can get my hands on a Zebrasoma Gemmatum. There have been a few caught on our local shores the last couple of weeks and hopefully there will be a few more :)
The tank looks great! Nice job. Congrats keeping the Eligance coral. My LFS has had one in his display tank with great success as well. He has them all in stock all the time. I am very affraid to try one myself.
Man that thing looks amazing again Anthony!!! I always enjoy your photos of your setup everytime you post some:)
Been a while...

Been a while since I posted some pics on the progress. Been battling huge algae issues and a few other things but getting there. These pics were taken last night during the actinic dusk cycle.




Few more

I've added a remote DSB with Carribsea Arragonite to my already crowded sump cabinet. So I needed to expand it a bit to house my RO top up and chiller. I'll post some pics of it soon. Here's a few more of livestock.



The seriatapora is growing like a weed and has been fragged quite a few times already.