Nana's 40B

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Yeah I read how secretive they can be. Hmmmm now I'm wondering if I wanna take the chance. My options being so limited. Guess I'll look over the Basslet's again. But then again my tank being smaller, with no big intimidating fish, it might not feel so threatened into hiding all the time. What the hell I'll chance it :)

Well I'm scratching the twin spot goby for now. Did some more reading on them and my tank is still to new. I had hoped that a 40B would give me more choices for fish, NOT! Very frustrating :(
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I've mentioned to people about how shy my swissguard is, and all they say, is yeah, they are shy. Doesn't really give me any idea if I have a super timid one or if it's normal behavior.
It's in my little 50 tank 30" x 20" x 20" and I have 2 banghai cardinals, a rainsford goby. I used to have a pipefish, but he disappeared 3 days after I added 3 emerald crabs.
Well from all that I've read, your's seems pretty normal. Guess the good thing is, I've got very little rock so his options will be limited-lol. I'll update tomorrow after I pick it up in the a.m.

Oh and I'm seeing the first signs of Diatoms on the SB. Let the ugly phase begin!!

How are things with your new tank? Not seeing any new updates.
I really haven't taken any new pictures of late.
I found out that because my back glass is black, it really reflects any light image from behind me or from the side where my sliding glass door is.
So I have to either take pictures at night with all the house lights and tv is off ( but then the tank lights are off) or hang blankets over the sliding glass door and kitchen windows, which is a major pain.
So I've been lazy. Been picking up a few new corals, but nothing too great. That limited income thing is showing itself already. :)
Haha I hear you on the reflection issues. My sliding glass door is directly across from my tank too. So I either get major reflection or it's all blue.
Well I picked her up this morning. Swalesi Swissguard Basslet, slowly acclimating. Couldn't believe the SG was 1.020! I know this is pretty standard practice for wholesalers to ship like this but I still don't understand why.
She's a beauty!

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Well I picked her up this morning. Swalesi Swissguard Basslet, slowly acclimating. Couldn't believe the SG was 1.020! I know this is pretty standard practice for wholesalers to ship like this but I still don't understand why.
She's a beauty!
View attachment 45290

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Oh, so that's what they are suppose to look like. lol
Performed first WC today. 5 1/2g's. Definitely going to take some getting use to. Have to get my measurements down.
Lost my Turbo Snail today. I've had it for over 2yrs. Sadly my new tank was just to clean. I feel terrible because I should have just let him go to the LFS with the LR. I am taking the Tuxedo Urchin to the LFS tomorrow. Don't want it to die too.

All else is well with the tank. Corals are all doing great! :)
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Sounds good.
Once you get 2-3 water changes done, everything will start to be come routine again.
Well I took my Urchin into the LFS. Had them put in into the tank with the LR I just brought in. At least I know it won't go hungry :)
But I did remove the Zoa's from his back. Glued them to a couple pieces of LRR. So now I have zoas in my tank lol

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Ok so I shortened my overflow pipe tonight so it wasn't so hard getting the sock on/off. Now it's a lot noisier. :( I have a 4x4x8" pre-skimmer box I was using on my 26g that I'm going to try in place of the sock. Hopefully that'll quiet it back down.

All is well :)
If that doesn't work, I just thought of a maybe solution.
You could shorten the drain pipe enough to add a pvc slip/slip coupling with a pvc pipe that goes down far enough to make it quiet again.
When you need to remove the sock, pull the pipe apart at the coupling.
With the return pump on, there may be a little water splashing when doing this,

IDK, just a thought.

Nice fish. :)
My idea was to create a point a couple inches above the sock to pull the pipe apart and take the sock out.
Put a clean sock on the bottom part and position the sock and pipe in the sump and plug it in.

I get all sorts of ideas, some work some don't.:)
I didn't mean your idea wouldn't work! Lol I just don't know how I'd attach any kind of piping as I'm using Flexi tubing. Anything I attach to it is pretty much permanent. It really grips stuff. Almost didn't need glue for the 90 degree :)
I didn't mean your idea wouldn't work! Lol I just don't know how I'd attach any kind of piping as I'm using Flexi tubing. Anything I attach to it is pretty much permanent. It really grips stuff. Almost didn't need glue for the 90 degree :)

Oh , I know.

But I did forget you used flexable tubing.

Is there anyway you could get a exact outside diameter measurement of the tubing?