Nana's 40B

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Well I took 3 rocks out and took a tooth brush to em-lol. Looks much better :) Finally the Turbo has made it's way onto the rock and seems to be cleaning a trail. But this SB is totally pi$$ing me off. Whatever this stuff is, it's not going away. I'm going to up my WC to 1x a week, seen if it helps.
Any suggestions? Keep in mind we've got the worst LFS I've seen in quite some time. Flat Worm infested tanks, every tank overrun with algaes of all kinds and starving fishes. Plus my last order I placed for snails didn't come in! :(
I'm officially frustrated-lol. Doesn't take much these days either. Just look at my sump full of dying Chaeto :( I swear it's got something to do with the Live Sand....
Have you done a ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test lately?

I have plenty of chaeto. I can send you some.

There are several sand sifting gobies that come to mind. I know some are royal pains because they take a gulp of sand then swim up and scatter sand all over. Usually on corals, but I think there are a couple that aren't as bad.
To clean off the rock, I like to use astrea's.
When I have a algae outbreak I will order a few more than is necessary. In my area they are relatively cheap at a $1 each or less in bulk.
I also like to use crabs. But only scarlet hermits. I've never had problems with them going after corals or fish. Those can be a little expensive, up to $5 each, and I seem to be able to keep snails with them in the tank. They will use snails shells if the opportunity presents itself.
Then there are different sand sifting starfish. I've never used them. But from what I've read they do work when they are small, but when they get bigger, some will go after fish.
I guess the secrete to them is to buy small and trade off later.
Small sand sifting star would prob be best. Easier to rehome then a fish :)
My readings are spot on, 0 on all three, PO4 0.02
The Turbo is making quick work on the algae on the rocks :)
I'm trying very hard to leave the sand bed alone, no stirring for the last 2 days-lol.
Hold off on the Chaeto. Wanna see if I can salvage some of what I have. But I'll let you know if I fail :)
Haha ya, I haven't been on this site for a lil over 15 months and I really only used this to check on builds and classifieds, now it says I need 100 post haha sorry
Happy days! All levels are to my liking :) Finally after dosing BRS 2 part Alk, I've been able to raise my Alk from 7.0 to 8.1 Dosed 45ml in 5 days. Ca=440, Mag=1400. A.m. PH=7.8 SG=1.025

Now if this crap on my SB would disappear :( I've been running my tank with blue lights only, today being the 4th day. Hoping to help starve it out. From the nog in my skimmer & nastiness in my sock, I think it just might be working :)
I really hate changing out these socks. Only because the area is so small and it's a pain-lol. Oh and I've only got 3 which means I gotta wash em as soon as I change em.

All corals are looking great! Lots of new growth, no color loss at all :) Fish are doing great as well.
Glad things are looking up.

I forgot about this product but saw a lot of people trying it on R2R.There was a pretty long thread.
I even signed up for the free samples, but never used them.

Payday I'm ordering :) Thanks Marty! This crap/stuff/algae is really irritating!! Lol Pretty cool using Diatoms to fight nuisance algaes. Let's hope it works!!
I have some I can send you. But I'm waiting to here from them if it's still good. I ordered from them when they were sending out free samples, but never used it.
I just sent the email earlier today. I've had it on my shelf for about 4 months.
That would be awesome! Getting tired of looking at a blue tank-lol. Actually from the look of things it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lotta good.
That would be awesome! Getting tired of looking at a blue tank-lol. Actually from the look of things it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lotta good.

Just heard back from Nuagli and they said the product has a 3 year shelf life.
PM me your address and I'll drop it in the mail.

Checkout the thread on R2R and see what others say.
The dosing instructions are on the website.
I spent an hour last night reading every post on R2R like you suggested-lol. Got up this morning and turned my heater down. Tank temp is now at 79.1 will try to drop it at least another degree.
I'm a bit nervous because of the 1 who says his tank crashed from using it. But on the other hand there are many more who are having/had great results/success with it. So because of this I'm very willing to try it.
Once again Marty you've gone above and beyond. I am so very grateful to you. Thank you!
nice looking corals! Do you keep your favia at the bottom? I am having trouble getting a brighter color out of my favia. I want it to be a brighter green.
Yahoo! My Birds Nest is coloring up!! Finally! Its supposed to be a Purple Birds Nest. It just might make it- lol.
Took this pic this morning before full PE :)