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I'll also throw in a vote for Joanne (estanoche). However, my vote is more towards anything that makes Joanne do more work =P
I stand behind my own nomination for myself. I have plenty of time on my hands and Mike (Mojoreef) has shown me the way.... of the force..... per say.
I stand behind my own nomination for myself. I have plenty of time on my hands and Mike (Mojoreef) has shown me the way.... of the force..... per say.

I got your name down Derrick in the mod room's thread so we are just waiting for Scooty to get back Sunday evening to begin tackling the list of members that were nominated either by themselves or by others. Not sure how beneficial I will be in offering my votes because I am so fond of so many of you that it will be hard for me to choose, but I will try. Everyone listed so far in this thread I'd have no problem working along with and that's the honest truth. :)
I got your name down Derrick in the mod room's thread so we are just waiting for Scooty to get back Sunday evening to begin tackling the list of members that were nominated either by themselves or by others. Not sure how beneficial I will be in offering my votes because I am so fond of so many of you that it will be hard for me to choose, but I will try. Everyone listed so far in this thread I'd have no problem working along with and that's the honest truth. :)

:) I was just throwing in a wise-guy post.... I was bored
I Agree the Adam would be a great choice.He may not have all that much time,as he claims,But what time he does have would certainly bennifit this Forum.
Adam has gone above and beyond for many of us local reefers and with all of his involvement with the PSAS.
He would get my vote for sure!!
I Agree the Adam would be a great choice.He may not have all that much time,as he claims,But what time he does have would certainly bennifit this Forum.
Adam has gone above and beyond for many of us local reefers and with all of his involvement with the PSAS.
He would get my vote for sure!!

+1 Adam is definitely a big asset to the reefing community, always willing to lend a hand or a frag, or both! And he may not have a lot of time, but he types fast (well I am guessing on this based on coming on this board and getting 1000+ post in about a month).
I like Adam as well (well not in the kinda way Sid probably does :lol: ). Great guy on the list as well. Still haven't seen one name mentioned yet I'd have a problem with but maybe it's because I'm not partial to anyone as well as the fact that you guys are really a great bunch. You guys have no idea how much fun and enjoyable you make this place. :)

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So, going back through this thread, here are the names so far that have either been nominated by others or offered their services...

Kirk (NC2WA)
Todd (TJL)
Lorrie (IPisces)
Joanne (estanoche)
Adam (myteemouse)
Derrick (07FocusST)
Seth (Akunochi)
Eric (eww)
Martin (mfinn)
Mike (Herefishyfishy)
Mark (skimmy)
Jim (ugla)

There is still time to throw out a few more names because as of tomorrow, we will close the thread and begin the voting process so get um in! Those that were nominated, but don't want to be in the running for their own personal reasons, you can either post it here or send me a pm and let me know so we won't include you in the poll:)
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Ok...So here's the latest and the route we are going to take with this whole proceedure.

Originally, the plan was to throw up this thread which would allow members to have the opportunity to nominate themselves or others as candidates for the new positions and then at the end of it all, we'd gather all of the names submitted, create a poll and let the members here vote for their top pick. This is all fine and dandy, but it raises a slight concern. We felt that the voting could be kinda "flawed" in a sense as it may become more of a popularity contest rather than someone voting for the person they may feel is best fit for the job. So after much debate we decided to go a slightly different route. What we will do is allow the thread to continue until tomorrow as planned where names can continue to be thrown out etc and then by probably mid day tomorrow, we will close the thread, gather all the names that were presented to us here in this thread and then the RF Staff body will come together and choose who we feel would be the best candidates for the job at this present time. There will be no surprises as we are only considering the names presented to us in this thread so you can rest assured that the chosen ones would be one of those that had their name nominated here within this thread one way or the other. Also, we want those who may not be chosen at this present time to keep in mind that this does not mean you still won't be chosen at some point to join the team as well. At this point we aren't 100% sure how many people we actually need to add to the RF moderating body so maybe a few months down the road, we will evaluate things again and possibly ask one or two more of you to join us as well so keep that in mind. We wished we could select everyone, but you know that could never happen :p so please by no means don't take any offense if your name isn't selected. I can speak 100% for myself that every name added here I completely respect and would have no issue working along with so always remember that.

With that said, hopefully by Sunday evening, we will be announcing the new mods. Good luck to all! :)
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I say we draw straws...that is by far the most scientifically accurate way to choose or perhaps a round robin of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.
Twelve nominations isn't much. Why not just select them all. :D So much easier that way. They all make the first round and move on to the second round. *lol*
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