Thats gonna be SWEET! Why do you keep calling your tank a 180 when the conventional dimensions say its like a 250!!!!!!! c'mon man, stop it. ITS A 250DD!!!
I think inwalls are so awesome. I've always wanted one, but never had the house that would work.
My first wife and I talked about one in our first house in 1973, but other things happened.
I was wondering about when you watch TV, is the tank going to be a distraction, or the other way around?
Thats gonna be SWEET! Why do you keep calling your tank a 180 when the conventional dimensions say its like a 250!!!!!!! c'mon man, stop it. ITS A 250DD!!!
I wish,
At best 49 X 38 X 24 = 193.454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454
Didnt want to say it was a 200gal. Someone may call BS.
180, 200 ,210 splitting hairs!!!
Alls I know it is bigger than what I have, and will serve me well for a long time.
Find a 107 gallon sump. Then you can call it a 300gallon system.![]()
I quit using primer on PVC pipe years ago. If you ask around, a lot of LFS don't use it when plumbing tanks either.You can buy a clear primer product now. WeldOn has one.
Since you cut a hole in the water barrel a float valve is as simple as drilling a hole and tighting a nut.
You did what, exactly?peppie said:thats 153+193= 366 gal system. I DID IT
Lets see..... thats 153+193= 366 gal system. I DID IT
You did what, exactly?
Well he didnt add correctly. lol!
Good thing he measures twice! or more!
I quit using primer on PVC pipe years ago. If you ask around, a lot of LFS don't use it when plumbing tanks either.
You did what, exactly?
O come on when i was his age................well i don't remember......what were we talking about:faint2:
Wish i had a reef bud makes things fun when 2 minds are working togetherWell in your case 1 1/2 minds...........
I does make it a lot more fun when you have a reefer friend that lives so close by.It has helped me rethink my build many many times.
you have more than one close by reefer friend, but assuming you speak of you are the one that has me re-think everything( for the better of course) sometime I don't want to make a single move without consulting with you first no matter how simple the task!
Wow, thats a lot of work in one day.