OMG. I would'nt know about the bottom??
That SUCKS......
That SUCKS......
OMG. That SUCKS......
that really really sucks man i give you good luck with what ever you decide to do i hope something works out
i dont know if i could glue a tank that big on the bottom even if someone told me it was okay i just wouldnt want to think of all the water on the floor when i come home one day
again man super sorry that sucks and good luck what ever you want to do really wanted to see that beast go up
Let me know If I can help in any way??
Not trying to be a stick in the mud, BUT, if it was me, I wouldn't trust it..
Ask Chad what it's like to come home to a blown out tank.
I am not an expert or anything close...can you maybe double up the glass on the bottom or top of the crack and attach it with silicone (similar to the way they patch acrylic)? Seems like it would strengthen the area and prevent a spread of the crack.
I'm really sorry to hear this Bud. Really sucks. Another option might be to replace the bottom glass on the tank. People do this as well as some shops. I am really bummed to hear this.
Maybe check with servicky here on RF. Here's the thread where he built his own glass tank. You commented on the thread. Might be able to get some insight/help there. I'll keep looking.