I don't have much to show but will try & post them up tomorrow, I haven't done much since last time as I need to get more wood work done so I can move it into place then I need a chiller, no way around it & a big one so that will take time.
Looks great Scooty!! I love the pattern on that wood as well!!! Looks like really high grade stuff! Everything is coming along nicely man...Just continue to pace yourself and take your time and you'll get her all done in due time. No rushing allowed in this hobby
Man, one of these days I'll get the main wood work done & then I can trim it out, I plan on using solid oak for that part, hope it works out as planned, I should of doubled the size of the stand, it is running out of room fast!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
Started carving out the two sump doors today with a 1/4" straight router bit. I actually have the complete cuts on the reverse side but decided to leave the cross cuts until after I mount the hinges, this way they will be a perfect fit! I hope by the weekend end I'll have stain on it, maybe even water in the tank, lets hope
you know at the begging i was starting to wonder, why in the world does he have a small tank and a huge stand but know i get it :lol: .........yeah it takes time for my brain dood :lol: .
It's coming a long nice Scooter dood.