Scooties Project "X"

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And who would have ever thought "rock" would be so exciting!:p Looks great Scooty!! A very nice start! That should put your skimmer to the test pretty soon when you get it up and running as well as your flow.:)
I forgot to mention now that I have LR in the tank, I need to adjust the flow outlets on the bottom section, On top each side I came out the CL with two 3/4" bh's into 3/4" Loc-line "Y" adapters, down to two 1/2" Loc-lines on each outlet up top. The bottom I just came out with one 3/4" outlet, I found a few spots needing more flow but the good thing the 3/4" bottom outlets are way too much so I'll do exactly like I did up top & reduce each outlet to two 1/2" outlets, this will give me a total of 8 outlets on each side, or 16 of the 1/2" all together but only half are used at any one time because of the MBV.
Ssssounds good Scooty!! Atleast you finally have some rock and water in your tank. I'm sure it makes you feel like you are moving forward:)
Wall outlet protection!

I found these at HD & thought how nice, I chose plastic over the metal because of the salty air, easy to install & worth protecting the outlets.
Thermal Nuclear device!

This is a before & after shot of the ATO I purchased & then modified, I now have ATO design knowledge:D What this device does it not only top off water when the first level switch goes low, It will shut off the ATO pump if the sump goes too high, it has two level switches for this. The ATO Is now on a timer relay where instead of bumping the pump on & off it will time out to a desired amount of time I set before the pump will be allowed to come back on. I will eventually change the level switches to something better but for now they work well. The second part of this controller is the main pump protection & tank overflow protection. What it does is turn off the main pump if there ever was too high water in the main display tank, so water should not hit the floor in theory, (we all know unpredictable things happen) but for the most part it works really well. This part of the controller also protects from a low sump level, rather having the main pump sucking air & burning up it will shut down the pump in the event of a per determine low level I set. Both the High water level & the Low Sump level is on a timer relay also, neither will reset until the predetermined time has expired. I set the first relay for the ATO for 60 seconds & the protection relay for ten minutes, this should save the life of a good pump. Ok without farther adieu here is the before shots.
Ok After shots!

I still have work to clean the wiring up some, I hope by the weekend it will all be done!
MBV Update!

Ok last of the updates is the MBV controller! This is a Siemens 223 controller or PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). I basically designed it for the actuator on the MBV with circuit protection using MOV's, isolating relays & a main circuit breaker to shut it all down. This will actuate the ball valve every 5 minutes during the day & in the evenings every ten minutes, plain & simple but the program was a little tricky, sure glad I know so many programmers:D
I will eventually make this all bigger & add lighting & other functions as I go, so the project is still growing on my wish list:lol:
LOL!! Looks great Scooty! I like how you used your mod powers to close your thread to post your pics and then re-open it after you're finished:p Looks great man...:)
Ya know... if you follow that one red-wire over on the left... to where it attaches to the thingy on the right, right next to the dohicky... you will see it is labled plain as day... "ThingyBob". :D
Ya know... if you follow that one red-wire over on the left... to where it attaches to the thingy on the right, right next to the dohicky... you will see it is labled plain as day... "ThingyBob".

LMBO!!! i like thingy :lol:
Great work Scooty! I would love to know how you moded the Atlas to do that. I have had mine cycle my pump twice now. It is really annoying. Great work!!!

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