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Ya know... if you follow that one red-wire over on the left... to where it attaches to the thingy on the right, right next to the dohicky... you will see it is labled plain as day... "ThingyBob". :D

And just make sure you don't connect the dohicky to to red wire in the middle but only to the red wire on the top bottom middle right Only! :eek:

Oh Brian after the holidays we can talk about that & fix you up!
Stand exterior!

Well been a while so heres a small update! The stand is so big & heavy I had to finalize the outer shell piece by piece, so the entire stand covering can be removed if ever needed to move or whatever. It would of been nice to just build it in the garage & stain & seal it all at once but I wanted it big enough to hold everything, with extra storage on the side. Well the only thing I don't have room for is the chiller, so on the right side between the wall I will make a matching Oak stand to put the chiller but will leave the front & back open & will install a fan that sucks heat up into the attic like with a dryer hose. The top of the small stand will hold the 30g rubbermaid tub I have there right now, it will be a little higher but all reachable.
Excuse the pictures the one with me is off on the coloring but my camera battery was almost dead, so I had to hurry it up.:shock: :shock: Also some of the finish is still drying, it takes a few weeks for the color of the Oak finish to neutralize with the rest.
Looking good dude! Watch that new hair cut now:D Everything is coming along nicely. Great planning and taking your time surely pays off. That will be my new approach of doing things if I do another tank. :)
Wash that new hair is coming along nicely

woou dood i didn't know you knew about Scooter's hair growth :lol: :lol: ........................just kidding dood !!! .

ok in a serious mode, that tank not only looks huge but it looks really nice dood :)
This tank is really huge with the 6 1/2 foot Long by 34" deep by 6 1/2 foot tall stand. Yea I got a Flat top haircut today, also he trimmed off most of my winter beard, which I guess it needed it LOL!
Well Update, no pics just an update! I cleaned my sump today, took about thirty minutes, also the skimmer it was yucky. Last time I made a mess splashing water everywhere now I think I have it down a bit, this is my second time cleaning it. I think It will get better later when I organize things better, I can see cleaning the tank throughly will be easy as I planned. Ok that's it:D Oh did I say that I Love that man, so cool!:cool:
Thought I'd post some good infor from a respected Friend!

three points I picked up on:

BB is not the new fad, tanks/aquariums were run BB for decades before sand became popular. Sand was considered lethal with the exception of trying to maintain benthic organisms.

I don't see a lot of people changing back. Most people that are BB you don't hear from. They have other things to do with their time. But just like anything else, you do hear from people that have problems with things, that's what we're here for.

Probably the biggest problem with people changing over to BB tanks is what has already been beat into their heads from running DBS systems. Most, if not all, of the hobby literature is geared towards running tanks with sand beds. More Ca, more lighting, more alk, more carbon, more more more sell sell sell.
People have a hard time forgetting everything they think they know, and starting over with something totally new. As result, you end up with this hybrid method of running a BB system where people tend to use too much light, keep alk and Ca levels way too high, are now scared of a little detritus and don't feed enough. matter how many times or how many ways you might try to explain it to them. And the hobby literature is slanted to explain things in a way that makes that method "feel" right, natural, and all goose bumpy wholesome. It does not explain how things really work so people know what they are really doing and why.
and one more!
Just on equipment.

I have never seen a "off the rack" reef ready aquarium that was not made like some refugia. The overflow is way too short to get enough water over it and to the sump/skimmer.

Skimmers. Most are pure crud for BB systems. Even the "good" ones are still designed counter current to give dry foam. You can muck with them, but they are still not designed to really work.

Lights. The first thing I see people do is start pricing 400wMH with spiders! Those lights are designed to compensate for running dirty high nutrient tanks and burning off zoox. Why do you think your corals close up and get lighter in BB systems when you use them??

Sumps. Every sump I've ever seen looks like some refugia. They are not designed for high flow, too small for the tank, and no settling area in the middle.

Pumps. I see too many people that picked up on "BB tanks need high flow". Well whoopie. They add a bunch of powerheads to their tank and they have "high flow". It doesn't go anywhere, it doesn't get to the skimmer, .... they don't know what to do with that "high flow". They pack too much stuff in the tank and the overflow is not low enough to allow enough of that high flow to get to the skimmer. It's not high flow, it's fast turnover between the tank and the skimmer. Other wise they are just suspending a bunch of "crap" (literally) around in the water where it dissolves and releases crap faster.
"Skimmers. Most are pure crud for BB systems. Even the "good" ones are still designed counter current to give dry foam. You can muck with them, but they are still not designed to really work."

Stick your nose in a skimmer cup and tell me it doesnt work =P

"They pack too much stuff in the tank and the overflow is not low enough to allow enough of that high flow to get to the skimmer. It's not high flow, it's fast turnover between the tank and the skimmer."

So if skimmers are useless then why do we care about getting them high flow?

"Other wise they are just suspending a bunch of "crap" (literally) around in the water where it dissolves and releases crap faster. "

Flow has a lot more to do with the inhabitants then just suspending crap. Corals can be limited in growth by flow. The whole point of suspending it is so things get skimmed out and be consumed by corals. IF they are not being suspended, they are going to sit and degrade the water instead of floating and degrading it, so I dont really see what his point is there.

Otherwise he sounds like a wise person.
I think your missing the point way off! Understand what he is saying & get back to me LOL!
You don't want High flow through the sump, If you had a surface skimmer that was large enough to skim the entire tank you would get detritus down to the skimmer. If your keeping softies you want detritus floating around long enough for them but sps doesn't need nearly as much, give them a bite & remove it. He is talking about high useless flow because most people don't know how to design it properly & cheaply design skimmers on the market, not efficiently working like they should.
"You don't want High flow through the sump, If you had a surface skimmer that was large enough to skim the entire tank you would get detritus down to the skimmer."
Ahh I see what your saying. I defintly agree, thats why I am getting a custom tank. Most overflows are far to small for my taste.
" cheaply design skimmers on the market, not efficiently working like they should."

I think that was more true in the past, but is becoming less true. Cheap stuff is still crappy, but the overall price for a decent skimmer is much more affordable now. As the secrets to their designs are unlocked, the cheaper they will become. They are afterall not overly complex devices. You can make your own effective unit for relativley little. Just depends on how much maintenace you want to do =P
those are some good advices dood :) .
i just wish i'd have heard them before i put the sand in my tank :p... now it's to late because i'm lazy :lol: .
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