Very nice tank Scooty. How often will you have fill it up?
Depends on several things to cause more or less evaporation. If I run the central A/C then It will evap.
More water than letting the room sit at 78/80. Also depends on the time of year as to how much as the cooler it is the more it will Evap. sorta backward but think about what an A/C does, It removes humidity/moisture, so the dry air allows the tank to evap. more efficiently.
Are you concerned with drips or spills with that sitting over your chiller?
Well the little stand isn't quite complete yet but for the most part the structural part is, I stood on it with the tank of water & can handle more weight, the inside is painted with an oil based external paint several coats which will resist water & I sealed all of the seams at the bottom, so like the big stand It basically is a tub If water falls inside. If you haven't noticed, the chiller has a stainless cover & is vertical, the bottom has like 5 rubber feet off the bottom about an inch. The compressor can actually be put outside, not much to really get damaged, most of the wiring & capacitor is all up top & covered In an internal box. Also I have a huge 30g rubber-maid tub on wheels, I use it to fill with RO/DI & just roll it to the tank & pump it up there, I have a hose clip that fits on the threads of the cap & holds the hose tight while filling, I can actually turn it on & leave LOL, I do need to get a bigger pump like a Mag to exceed the head height, the MJ1200 is pushed to it's limits trying to pump it that high but it does. As mentioned, inside the tank I have a Mini Jet with a 1/2" hose clamped on the outlet, the hose goes to the BH inside. On the outside another 1/2" hose (Black) goes to the BH in the sump, not much to leak really, I have a small air line way up top to allow air to suck back in when topping off, It air brakes the water fast. I probably should take a few Pics of the set-up to get a better idea of what is going on here. I will actually hide all of this with Oak as the rest of the stand, excluding a cut-out for the chiller, It should look nice.