Some new pics

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Here's a few new ORA that we recently got from Barbie at Aquarium Solutions.

ORA Miami Orchid

ORA Purple Plasma

and the best for last...not the best pic, but the best of our new ORA
ORA Red Planet
the red planet sure did take off.I see all sorts of new braches coming off that thing
Dang, of course we can do some trading!! I'd be honored!!

The Red Planet is growing really quick, considering we haven't had it long at all.

Charlie, I'll see what I can do next time we come over. It'll depend on how soon that is and how much it's grown in that time.

Thank you all for your kind comments!!
Is your sand higher on the right then the left? It looks sloped a bit, is that just the angle of the pic? Reason I ask is you don't see it very often in sw tanks, but quite a bit in fw. It's an optical illusion that adds depth to the tank. Great looking either way. You guys in Spokane must have some great LFS because the tanks over there always look really nice.
Yes, the sand is actually quite a bit higher in the right than the left. It wasn't that when when I set this tank up, several years ago. However, after a digging, pushing, re-arranging Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish AND my Pistol Shrimp's constant digging, it is what it No matter how many times I level the sand back out, the Pistol Shrimp piles it up, within a day or so.
I actually have deeper sand in the middle of my tank and thinner on the outside edges..
I like it that way.. It's mostly from the sand goby but also from the flow patterns....

That Red planet is CRAKIN>
I need to come over there with some bags and a chainsaw LOL
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