Some new pics

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Bulbs were recently replaced. Our Red Planet really started to take off about a month before replacing bulbs. Seems to still be growing well and holding it's color great. Here's the new bulb configuration, which was a bit different from the old bulbs.

Front to Back

Blue Plus
12000K Aquablue Special
75/25 14000K AquaBlue
10000K AquaSun
12000K Aquablue Special
Blue Plus
Thanks, I was weeding through your previous posts to try and find where you told me what bulbs you had before, but you post too much, lol.

Where do you place your zoas? All the PE type zoas I have are closing up and I'm thinking it's gotta be my lighting. All the others zoas I have are doing great. I was told zoas don't like high light.?

I currently have
blue plus
blue plus
ge 6500k
blue plus

I'm thinking of replacing the 6500k with a 10000k and the 75/25 with another blue plus.
I have Zoanthids on the bottom, in the sand bed, and also have them very high, in the frag racks. They do great at both locations. I've also read that Zoanthids don't like high light. I think that's in error. I've read a lot more that they do like high light, but don't require it. I think Zoanthids do great in high light and have seen some amazing Zoanthids under 400 watt MH lighting, and quite near the surface.

All of our People Eaters are actually getting quite a bit of light. I don't know what's causing yours to close up. I doubt it's any type of Zoanthid eating Monti, as PEs are actually a Paly and thought to not be bothered by ZEMs.
There are no pests on the palys only amphipods and bristleworms. I'm thinking either the amphipods or bristleworms are irritating them or they don't like the sudden light change. It's only the PE palys that are doing it though. Anyway, nice pics!
I don't have any lower light areas in my tank than where they currently are which is why I'm going to change out the bulbs to more blue. I'll try increasing the flow on them and see if that helps. I had read low flow, but if you're having success with them, I'll take your advice.
Give them mini umbrellas to shade themselves with then!!! Nah, that probably won't work, but if it does, take pics!!!

Our RPEs are in an area where they are protected from flow and are getting pretty low flow, and are doing well. Our GPEs and PPEs are in pretty high flow areas and doing well, except for a nuisance aiptasia in our GPEs that I haven't been able to kill, after several attempts!!! Grrr
Here's a few wonderful corals we got from Cherry Corals today!! BTW, they ROCK!!!

These pictures were taken only about an hour after corals were put in the tank.

Lemon Head Zoanthids

Horizon Zoanthids

Tangerine Zoanthids

Insane Aussie Green Zoanthids. Very aptly named!!!

Violets Zoanthids
Pretty. I like the lemond heads, tangerines and aussie greens the most, but IMO, none of them are as cool as the monti you didn't even order, lol.
Do you have the true undata? That's one on our list we don't have yet. We got our sunset from Thang and Chad got his from us. I wonder who got Chad's? It's a fast grower, that's for sure.