LOL - you guys make me laugh!
Nick, you're lucky you are such a good purse know you're within driving distance and I'd get ya for teasing me......unless you really think they're too short
Scott - you're lucky to be so far away. Colleen, thanks for the support - I need it around here - lol!
jlehigh - the flared nozzle will cover more surface, so they'll be great for the bottom of the tank. We'll see where detritus collects and adjust as needed when the tank is full of rock.
strat - the MBVs aren't cheap especially when you tack on the cost of a cycle timer, but this is something that can be used in the future Monster tank (dreaming outloud), so I felt it was a good investment.
Wit and Ed, thanks for the compliments. The design compliments definately go to Mike, but I'll take the compliments for putting the locline together
Ed, I'll get some more pics taken today, and get them posted for you!