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Unless you are VERY dedicated to taking care of and monitoring a fish, achilles tang is not for you. That is pretty much what it boiles down to in my opinion.


Well I am pretty dedicated to my fish and monitor them, like, 10 hours a day since they sit in the office I basically live in, so I'm not sure that comment helped any....I guess it looks like I'll be doing a trial/error experiment.
Gus, do you have permission from Slickdonkey to sisplay thay Pink Tail Trigger?

No mike....i think i am breaking the "fish codes" on that one :p.
Maybe later today i will get a pic of my queen angel to replace it. :)

And rjarnold, i am sorry if that didnt help, all i was trying to get at was they get diseases very easily and sometimes are hard to get eating. So it just takes a "abnormally" dedicated fish person to make sure that the success is there.

If you do it, i wish you great success (dont forget the pics :):))

And rjarnold, i am sorry if that didnt help, all i was trying to get at was they get diseases very easily and sometimes are hard to get eating. So it just takes a "abnormally" dedicated fish person to make sure that the success is there.

If you do it, i wish you great success (dont forget the pics :):))


Thanks for elaborating more =D I actually only found this thread by following the link in your signature ;) Have you had any experiences with Achilles Tangs yourself? For whatever reason, I seem to have pretty good luck w/hard to keep fishes (not as great w/corals though :p ). The reef I want to put the Achilles in has a solaris blenny, a sand sifting goby, and two small ocellaris clowns. I have stated to the LFS that before I purchase it, I want to see it eat...however, I do hate to ask them to get something if it's not going to make it. I can deal with an overly aggressive tang...I just don't want one that's known to die within a week and has had no successful introductions to captive life.
hi guys
new here . i know what you are going to say once i tell you what size tank i have my 3 tangs in. i plan on finding them home when they get full size. sorry i could not help my self i love the tangs they are so cool. i have a 55 gallon tank. and my fish are: a sailfin (zebra) named stripes .......
a blonde naso named blondie.......... a atlantic blue named petey
a maroon clown named big red....... a black vevet damael named tangsel( because he thinks he is a tang). and they all get along very well . the clown and the damsel are the most peaceful fish . everyone tells me the maroon and damsel are very mean not in my case. i feed my tangs and damsel . seaweed strips , leaf lettuce, brocolli, kale, spinach/ not all at the same time one day it will be one then the next day something different . my two oddball fish are very peaceful ( clown fish and damsel
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as far as i know they can . from what i have read they are one of the smaller tangs.unlike the the 3 tangs i have in my 55 gal. . i have the 3 tangs that are the larger of all tangs.
hope this helps
No tang is "recomended" for anything less than 75gals...but this doesnt stop many.

Good luck :)

they are one of the smaller tangs.unlike the the 3 tangs i have in my 55 gal. . i have the 3 tangs that are the larger of all tangs.
I am guessing that is a Troll? :confused: I will keep my comment to myself.;)
. my tangs are not real big yet. the seem to be doing fine . i have a blonde naso a sailfin and a atlantic blue. i do know that they will get to big then i will find them new homes
until that time comes . i am going to enjoy the time i have with them. when i have to find them new homes . i will replace with smaller fish .
I have a 135g reef tank with a PBT, i really want to add an achilles tang. I have been researching it and i cant really find any answers.

Would the PBT and achilles become hostile towards on another?

Chances are if your Powder Blue is already established in "His tank" he probally won't accept another tang that looks like him too well. Achilles are even more sensitive than the powder blue if it gets harrassed too much it might go in hiding and slowly starve itself to death. Although it might work out. I have a PBT and a Chevron in my 40b. I added the chevron 6 or 7 months after the PBT. The PBT kicked the crap out of the chevron tang the 1st 24hrs. The cevron had quite abit of cuts on him but he pulled through after the 24hr period. Now they acted like nothing ever happened and swims along side each other like they are best of friends.
Well, the PBT was introduced into the tank about 2 weeks back. I have a similar sized foxface, and they swim around together, he doesnt act aggressive towards the other fish, but he is the only tang in the tank.

The achilles tang doesnt look anything like the PBT color wise. Do you think the PBT would still see him as an aggressor since hes mostly darker colors, unlike the PBT
It's not the color but the shape. It might and might not work. you can't really say. Some will tell you not to but I've seen so many tanks with different types of tangs and they get along just fine.