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when u see sailfins and ring tails and convicts in the wild it makes u wonder if any tank is big enough for those boys
after seeing corals in the wild now that ive been keeping tanks it makes me wonder if why i pay so much for baby corals and if anythign can be happy being confided to a tank just my 2 cents
Darklcd I believe you posted on this thread #98. If ou are still around I had the same fish combo and the same problems at least from what I understand.

I had a really healthy black velvet damsel about 3" and a yellow tang with what I now believe was hille? Anyway my poor tang was terrorized had the wrong diet and it was my fault.

If you still have the tang I would say get rid of the black velvet and start immediatly feeding any and all MARINE seaweed you can get your hands on to your tang.(like fresh cheato from the good fish store and for now those expensive purple and green seaweed from wherever you can find it like petco). It will make the fish happy but it will probably have to get used to the diet.

Hope this helps.
I'm thinking about adding 1-2 tangs to my 120gallon in the future (it's only 5 ft long though).

Currently I have

1 sailfin tang, ~4" long (boss of tank)
1 foxface, ~4.5" long
1 canary blenny
2 firefish
1 butterflyfish
1 clownfish

Do you think I could handle another 2 tangs in this size tank with this bioload? Would the increased bioload be bad for the SPS corals? I have a good skimmer (BubbleMaster 200).

For QT, could 2 tangs be housed in a 2 gallon long simultaneously, so they could be added to the display at the same time? How many weeks' QT?

If feasible I would like to add a Regal tang and possibly a black tang if I could ever find one. I need to learn more about the 3 species groups and what mixes with what. I do want to add some cool colors to my fish (instead of yellow/orange/white/black combo that I've got going on).

Another concern is increasing the pack-agressiveness at feeding time. THe butterflyfish is not shy but is not a very fast, efficient eater either.
Here's my Yellow Tang. I add Grape Caleurpa to the tank by rubber banding it to a small piece of live rock. It LOVES it!! I'd love to add a Scopas or Purple Tang, but just don't have the tank size.....YET.

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Hi guys, nice poics by the way!
I have a 55 gallon tank--- a lot smaller than you r tanks (I am really jealous). I have 1 clownfish, a hawkfish, a pseudochromis and a purple tang. Recently I added a foxface but have had no luck in getting it to eat. The tang seems to be aggressive towards the foxface. Any ideas how I can proceed? The fish is really pretty with nice colors but it is always hiding and I do not want it to die... Do you guys know of any special foods that maybe I can use to entice feeding?
what have you been trying to feed it so far? Foxface's like to eat a lot of macro algae. Do you feed it any dried (or fresh) seaweed?

Mine will also eat brineshrimp or mysis shrimp (frozen variety).
I kinda figured that.. a rookie mistake.. Hopefully they will get along.
I have been feeding dried seaweed, frozen brine shrimp and flakes. The thing is that the other fish eat so quickly that there is no time for the foxface to eat and he gets scared so easily.

I can't wait to get a bigger tank... thabks guys for the quick respones. I am new to the forum and I like it so far. :) I will try to post some pics for you guys soon.
I would return the tang if possible. Otherwise, try rearranging the rock to mix things up. That will give the fox an equal chance at territory. Putting in a divider would make a small tank smaller yet.

And welcome to a very friendly and fun site!!!!
When I introduced my foxface my sailfin wasn't to sure of him either, and everytime he bothered him he would try to stick him with his top fins. Needless to say the sailfin learned his lesson and all is well.
Nobody has an Achilles Tang? I am looking at purchasing one, but one site has them listed as 'not a hardy tang.' Anyone have any experiences with Achilles Tangs?
Unless you are VERY dedicated to taking care of and monitoring a fish, achilles tang is not for you. That is pretty much what it boiles down to in my opinion.

Exceptions to any rule, but they either die or get aggressive to other occupants.

Gus, do you have permission from Slickdonkey to sisplay thay Pink Tail Trigger?:D