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It's coming up to the time that I introduce my small tomini tang to my 300 gal aquarium, but I don't know what to expect from the current tang inhabitants.

Has anyone introduced a small tomini tang to a tank with a large established desjardini sailfin tang and a medium pacific blue tang?

I was told by a LFS that they should be fine, but I'm still nervous about the introduction since the tomini is so small. Hopefully he'll go unnoticed. The pacific blue is really dosile and doesn't seem to care about the other fish in the aquarium. He actually gets bullied by a green chromis.

The large desjardini sailfin will have spats with our emperor angel every now and then, but always ends up backing down to the emperor angel. What I mean by spats is the desjardini flipping his tail and the emperor angel grunting and sometimes nipping. Most of the time they get along though.
as anyone introduced a small tomini tang to a tank with a large established tank

Hi Brandy did this with a Tomini and a Purple Tang. I egg crated the tank to keep them apart (in same tank ) for about 2 weeks that Little Tomini was sure a instigator :badgrin:
But In time the purple tang just ignored him. They seem to do OK when the Tomini understands he is not the boss;) They
been together for almost 2 years ..can you put a separation egg crate in your tank?

It's coming up to the time that I introduce my small tomini tang to my 300 gal aquarium, but I don't know what to expect from the current tang inhabitants.

Has anyone introduced a small tomini tang to a tank with a large established desjardini sailfin tang and a medium pacific blue tang?

I was told by a LFS that they should be fine, but I'm still nervous about the introduction since the tomini is so small. Hopefully he'll go unnoticed. The pacific blue is really dosile and doesn't seem to care about the other fish in the aquarium. He actually gets bullied by a green chromis.

The large desjardini sailfin will have spats with our emperor angel every now and then, but always ends up backing down to the emperor angel. What I mean by spats is the desjardini flipping his tail and the emperor angel grunting and sometimes nipping. Most of the time they get along though.
That would be difficult as it's an established reef tank. I do have a lot of rock for the tomini to hide in. Was the purple tang aggressive toward the tomini at all?
I would think the sailfin would give the tomini a hard time, shapes & colors affects the way fish treat each other. The good thing is the Tomini is small & probably can hide, these are one of the smallest tangs that is peaceful, a great fish to have. Normally you should add the least aggressive, smaller fish first, even in a large tank. If you go on with this please keep us posted, hopefully they will be ok together.
I'll keep you posted whatever I decide. I actually got the tomini tang for algae control in a 40 breeder, but I knew that it needs a larger permanent home which I can provide as long as the other tank members get along with the tomini. I also have the option of taking the tomini tang back to the LFS or selling it to another reef keeper, but I really want to keep him/her. It is a great fish.

We added the blue tang and sailfin at the same time and they're fine together.
Ya know, the fact that it's so much smaller might work in your favor. If it's small enough that the other Tangs don't see it as a threat, they may ignore it. I don't think you'll have any problem with the Blue Tang, it's the Sailfin that might be trouble. But your Sailfin is huge...lol. Once it realizes that it's too big to be able to even catch the Tomini, it might choose to ignore it.
I hope you're right. The sailfin doesn't bother the blue tang at all, just the emperor angel every now and then trying to establish dominance. The emperor still rules the tank though.

The blue tang is not a threat to anyone but the green chromis. I hate that fish (the chromis). Mike thought it was pretty so we kept it. I named him Spaz. It is kinda funny seeing a small chromis control a tang more than double its size though.
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Well I caught the tomini tang and introduced him/her to the 300 tonight. He/she just swam behind the rock down to a cave which the blue tang calls home and nobody that has noticed it cares. The blue tang swam right by the tomini and didn't pay any attention to it. I don't think the emporer or sailfin know the tomini is even in there yet, but the tomini could fit into several crevices that they can't if they did care about his/her presence. All seems to be good.
The tomini is out and about today. Neither the sailfin or emperor notice it or care that it's in there. The blue/green chromis does though, lol. The tomini chases off the chromis. Which is great because I don't like that fish and he pics on the blue tang and wrasses every now and then.
i love the purple tangs there so nice to watch ... only have 75g tank think it might hinder its stile they like way bigger condos.....
My little tomini tang is quite the bully. The big fish don't even pay attention to it, but it's been giving my bi-color blenny hell. The bi-color blenny is very docile, so it doesn't make sense. The tomini bullies him and even bites him. Not all the time, but I noticed this today and it made me mad. The blenny was one of our first fish we got. He will open his mouth back at the tomini and retreat into a large idaho grape cap.
Here's a shot of my tangs! The Hippo is 8", the Naso and Atlantic Blue are 7".

Here's a shot of my tangs! The Hippo is 8", the Naso and Atlantic Blue are 7".


when ever you want me to take the atlantic am here.

Im kidding i wouldnt put that beauty in my 155 to small of a tank for it.I love that fish
The pic doesn't do the Atlantic justice.

The pic doesn't do the Atlantic justice. It is actually much bluer than the pic shows. I think it washed out from the flash. :oops::rolleyes:

Rick you have a nice Atlantic there, Here is a picture of mine changing for some reason he loves His personell remora (AKA Blue Neon Cleaner Goby) He never travels with out him.
I also threw on My Tomni and Purple Tang shots as well
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Rick you have a nice Atlantic there, Here is a picture of mine changing for some reason he loves His personell remora (AKA Blue Neon Cleaner Goby) He never travels with out him.
I also threw on My Tomni and Purple Tang shots as well

Hey Jeff,
Thanks for the heads up. When I had my cleaner wrasse they were also inserperable. I was waiting to buy another cleaner wrasse but haven't been able to find one. I know the cleaners don't tend to last much more than a year (so I'm told), so I'll try the neon goby instead since they are much hardier.
Thanks again!
The pic doesn't do the Atlantic justice. It is actually much bluer than the pic shows. I think it washed out from the flash. :oops::rolleyes:

you shoot all your pics with the flash.Atleast i think

have you tried without it