So I think I have decided on what type of finish I will be attempting on the stand. I'll try and head down to the art supply store in Seattle tomorrow or Monday to pick up some of the supplies.
It is what's know as an "Ebonized" Finish. What this is really is a sort of dye finish, but a little more simple and easier to do. I'll try and explain it the best I can.
1.Stand will be sanded 120-150-180-220 before any finish is applied. The reason for the close intervals will be in attempt to remove all sanding scratches. After 220 grit I'll wet the surface with distilled water to raise the grain of the wood. After the water dries, I'll remove the raised grain with 320. I want the surface to be baby butt smooth, plus intentionally burnish it to some degree to close the pores as much as possible for an even spread of ink/finish media.
2. Now you take, in this case, some India Ink and either brush or wipe the ink onto the surface of the wood. I'll be testing both Speedball Super Black ink or Blink Black Cat ink before continuing onto the finished stand.
3. After the ink is dried, I will follow with 2 more wipes/brushes of ink to make sure the wood is evenly penetrated. Then, I will lightly sand with 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper.
4. After all the ink is dry and I have completed the sanbing and I am satisfied. I will put a coat of de-waxed shellac onto the stand. This will help to seal and lock in the ink, thus not allowing any moisture to ruin the finish. After this coat is dry I will lightly sand with 600 and 1000 grit once again.
5. Finally, I will do a 2 coats of a 60%-40% oil based poly finish. Followed by a light wetsand of 400-600 grit sandpaper.
6. The final coat of oil based poly will be a 50%-50% and wiped on. Then it will sit for 3-5 days.
7. Last step will be to take a nice wax (Liberon Black Bison Clear) and using a 0000 steel wool pad I will apply the wax and buff to a nice matte/satin sheen.
Should look something like the black on this flat panel TV stand.