The Class Act Aquarium Stand

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SHOP SHOTS for Monday August 1st 2011!!!

Canopy is taking shape. Took all day yesterday and part of today, but it should be ready for trim work by Wednesday and hopefully can get ready for finish work by the weekend.


1st Photo: Cleats for holding the canopy up on the rim of the tank.
2nd Photo: dusty Rustie trying to help.
3rd Photo: Installing the Corner Braces for front section.



Shop Shots Continued...

Photos showing the piano hinge mocking and measuring for the the mortise.



Shop Shots Continued...

1st Photo: Shows the insdie of the front section for the canopy.
2nd Photo: Shows the handle I made to assits in closing the canopy. The top section will be at about 82" (7FT) when fully opened. Figured this might help with closing it without a stool.
3rd Photo: SAWDUST!!! Had a lot of fun trimming the front section with the router.
4th Photo: Shows the front section on the tank. Front is complete and awaiting final trim and attachment of rear section.




Shop Shots Continued...

And finally, the complete canopy is nearing completion. Still need to do the following,
1. Attach the top and back to the rear section of the canopy.
2. Mortise the front and rear halves for the piano hinge and install the piano hinge.
3. Install pocket screw plugs and filler work.
4. Finally get to trim the canopy out and make it looks AWESOME!!! :D


(More shop shots on Wednesday)


Quick Update...

I was able to get half the mortising done this evening. What a job!!! Mortising isn't that fun and really time consuming. At least it will all be worth it when the hinge is able to be mounted and hidden correctly. :lol:

I'll have to wait to test the hinge once the second half is done to see if I need to sand any further where I chiseled out.



Wow, You have been busy.
You are pretty handy with your router, Why didnt you use it to cut the mortise for your piano hinge?
I like the idea of the whole front swinging up. Have you thought about carving a reef related image on the face?

I seen your pile of SAWDUST. Impressive. lol

In all the pics, of all the detailed work you have been doing, I have not seen a good shot of your workbench. PLEASE dont tell me it is that sheet of plywood that your hood is sitting on.

If that is your bench, You are a true woodworking wonder. That would drive me crazy. I know, each to his own. What works for one will not for another.

Looking forward to seeing your trim work.

THx Peppie.

Yes I could've used the router for the mortise. But the front section is just so darned small (4-3/8") that I couldn't figurte out an easy safe way to use the router to cut the mortise. So I decided to trim it down with a chisel and sand it smooth. I scored it first of course. *lol*

I haven't given much thought on what to do with the front section of the canopy (yet). I figure I'll see how it looks with the trim work done and go from there. I do have some plans for artwork elese where in the stand. It is knid of like a signature of sorts for the work of art. *lol*

Actually I'll have to see about posting a few photos of my workbench. My workbench was one of the very first woodworking projects that I did. The very first one was an arcade control panel that I use at my computer.

What you see the canopy sitting on in the previous photos is just a 1/4" piece of mdf I throw onto the router table for protecting it while I work. I have a bunch of stuff going on on my workbench.

My real workbench is an 8-foot long 1-1/2" thick maple ply top with maple trim. Made the framing out of doubled up SPF 2x4 and made it to be able to come apart for transport if necessary. Here's some photos of the wokrbench for ya Peppie.





Now thats more like it. I figured you had a real bench, I just hadnt seen it. There is not a gouge, or cut, or paint, or glue blob on it. I am not surprized. lol
Do you really use it? LOL I have to scrape and refinish the top of mine twice a year, (sometimes 3 times)
THx for the compliments on the workbench.

Actually Peppie, I finally put my first gouge in the top of the workbench this last week. It's only about the size of an eraser head, but did go all the way to uncover the protectve finish, no worries though. Before that it was just the usual glue globs, paint splatters and the water spills. Of course all those clean up really nicely because I usually put a nice coat of paste wax on my bench twice a year after doing a through cleaning of it.

Shop Shots for Wednesday August 3rd, 2011.

Long day today with moving the tank into the garage/shop last night so to get the canopy fitment correct. Took most of the afternoon to get this monster all squared up, level and oh yes a few choice words and done. Just need to put the back on it tomorrow.

Words of advice, get a helper when building something this large. :lol:




Shop Shots continued...

Notice the improvised helping hands? *lol* Oh and yes my inspector had to check things out before screwing and gluing up.


Oh and y'all are probably curious as to where the stand is, right? :lol: Still in the living room and being well protected from curious paws. There's a blanket and comforter doubled up on there for protection. Hopefully it will be enough.


You may need to watch your cats around your sump also.:D My 6 month old kitten loves to drink the saltwater in my refugium. The canopy is looking great I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Damn Alex, I'm soooo jealous of your C-L-E-A-N shop. Mine has been such a disater now for 2+ years I've totally forgotten what it once was like, though never as clean/organized as yours my friend. The canopy is looking spectacular as expected by all.

Cheers, Todd
Todd I am with you.
Alex your shop is always so organized and clean! I would have a hard time making a mess in such a presteen environment. It would be like littering in a National Park. Alex you are either very disciplined in your cleanup routine, or very anal. lol
My shop still has a mess from 3 projects ago, plus the last one, and the current one. It will get a cleaning Sat. so I can get some work done on my woodwork.
The hood is taking shape and looking good.
You may need to watch your cats around your sump also.:D My 6 month old kitten loves to drink the saltwater in my refugium. The canopy is looking great I can't wait to see how it turns out.

THx for the words of caution. Two of our cats already seem to like the taste of saltwater in the tanks. Usually it is because I run open top nanos in my tank room/office. The younger cat really likes to play with water so he will probably be right there helping with wc and the such :lol: like he does now.

THx Todd and Peppie. I guess you could say that I am ver ydisiplined in the way I keep my shop clean. Y'all should take a look at my desk sometimes. :lol: Can't find anything on it sometimes.

Took the day off from working on the aquarium build yesterday to get the honeydo list done and also ended up having to deal with a baby crow that ended up falling out of the tree and into our backyard.

Now onto the Shop Shots for Friday August 5th 2011....

Photo 1: Final cuts for the backside of the canopy.
Photo 2 and 3: Final clearance fitment with lighting and fans before cutting and trimming the backside to fit.



Shop Shots continued...

Photo set shows just how little clearance there is left for anything. Planned this to a tee, just like a well fitted glove. :D At least I will not be shining a massive amount of light into the coast to coast overflow area. :lol: I do have an idea as to get about another 1/8" of space in there. That will come next time.

Photo 1: This is with the canopy full closed.
Photo 2 and 3: These are showing how close the backside and front of the fixture fit within the canopy.



