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  1. young_skywalker

    Compatability help!?!

    I would have to agree with russelaqua usually these are pretty mild fish but together I bet they have trouble...but there are exceptions to every rule
  2. young_skywalker

    palythoa tissue regression

    so I have some palys that appear to be losing the connective tissue between polyps, but this week they also budded about seven new polyps (I noticed this about the same time). I haven't had palys before and I wasn't sure if this is normal or not. Is there something I should do? thanks
  3. young_skywalker

    Favorite Salt mix

    so has anyone had any trouble switching between salts? I've heard that it can cause problems but I've never had problems in the past and the LFS here switches pretty frequently...what do you think? I wanna switch from oceanic back to IO
  4. young_skywalker

    Unknown Zooanthid Protopalythoa??

    protopalythoa will utilize sand or some substrate in the base...zoas don't
  5. young_skywalker

    Favorite Salt mix

    well I used to use IO but recently I switched to oceanic due to availability in my this small town, but since then I've noticed a lot of algae growth...guessing you are right with the phosphate
  6. young_skywalker

    purigen and chemi pure

    well I was thinking about adding chemi pure to my filters with the purigen. what I thought was interesting though was the fact that the reps for the product could not explain why it is better
  7. young_skywalker

    Favorite Salt mix

    so what's everyone's favorite salt mix? I've been hearing some negative feedback on oceanic salt. what do you think?
  8. young_skywalker

    algae in frag tank

    well I don't really have room for a rabbit, the thing that worried me about the snails is the fact that I have the first platform raised and if the snails fall it will be difficult to get them out...what about a court jester goby?
  9. young_skywalker

    algae in frag tank

    I was just wondering how people kept the algae down in their frag you use snails or just scrub it?
  10. young_skywalker

    PETCO tank sale

    I wonder when it's gonna be
  11. young_skywalker

    Red hair algae ... in a new tank

    well if it comes back you can always add a court jester goby or hector's goby...lawnmower blenny would clear it up too but you would have to move him
  12. young_skywalker


    if only I could afford those little LEDs
  13. young_skywalker

    Will my ocelaris host a bubble tip

    I've always used the raising method and from what I've read it is the best way to go. the green bta are usually less than $50 my lfs has 'em for $35 usually
  14. young_skywalker

    Everyones Favorite Temp/Salinty ??

    I usually stay about 1.024 - 1.025 and my temp is 77-78 (depending on the tank)
  15. young_skywalker

    Very Important! unknown anemone

    well from the first pic it looks like a majano
  16. young_skywalker

    Will my ocelaris host a bubble tip

    yeah most likely it will, bulb anemones are a pretty universal and most ocellaris and percs will host pretty quickly
  17. young_skywalker

    Odd fish really odd babies

    could be the blackmouth chromis, you can also use a flashlight to bring the fry up to the top and scoop them out (at night of course) but if you don't want to deal with raising them just see how it plays out. you could always add some macro algae to see if they will survive longer
  18. young_skywalker

    Have you seen the Red See Max

    yeah they are great packaged tanks, especially in comparison to the bio-cube which in my opinion is a half-way attempt. but they do work I guess
  19. young_skywalker

    Dieing Xenia

    after being in water of poor quality and drastically sending them back to cleaner water can give things a shock. I've also heard that xenia needs to be harvested regularly to keep it from crashing