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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. M

    Salt Deal Tracker 2006

    I would be interested in a bucket of IO if there is one available.. I can pick it up either Saturday or Sunday. Thx.
  2. M

    Which LA stores are worth a visit?

    Hey folks, I'm going to be down in LA, actually Yorba Linda for a few days next week. I'm sure there are a couple of hundred reef stores in the LA area. Do you have any recommendations as to the ones I should put at the top of my "must see" list?
  3. M

    What kind of filter media do you run?

    I've been running Seachem matrix carbon and phosban in seperate TLF reactors for a about 6 months now. I replace about a third of the media in each reactor every other month. Haven't seen a phosphate reading above zero since I added the Phosban. The tank is a 75 with softies.
  4. M Order... Anyone Interested?

    What time do you expect the order. I'm at work an hour away from the south end and would like to get a head start.
  5. M

    Is there a trick to....?

    I was talking to Daiblo about this yesterday. He had what seems like a really good idea. He suggested putting the frag pieces in a small tupperware container with rock rubbel covering the bottom of the container. Cover the top of the container with mesh and secure with a rubber band. Place the...
  6. M

    Phosban and carbon together

    I debated whether or not to do the same thing using a single TLF reactor. After countless hours of reading..:confused: I decided to use two reactors so that I could control the flow precisely for each media. Apparently if the flow through the Phosban is to high it will grind itself up leading...
  7. M

    What's Your Filtration?

    Sand, LR, Skimmer, Carbon and Phosban in seperate TLF reactors. (24/7) I also stir the top 1/2" of sand with the siphon when I do water changes. Learning as I go, so far so good!
  8. M

    Salt Deal Tracker 2006

    I'm still in for a 160g bucket of IO. I'd prefer to pick up on the eastside as it's closer.
  9. M

    Refugium Plans

    Here's an excellent source of info on sumps.
  10. M

    Salt Deal Tracker 2006

    A 160g bucket of IO for me too please.
  11. M

    Media center computer

    Check out this site. There are several guides about selecting components and building an HTPC, everything from HTPC 101 to mega dollar systems. I've been planning on building one for some time now. Unfortunatley I got sidetracked by some little fish...
  12. M

    will these get along

    I just got rid of my Lunare Wrasse. He was very active, always swimming in and out of the rock. He never slowed down and was entertaining to watch. The downside was that he was so active all the other fish avoided him. They would hide in the rocks whenever he approached. The entire tank is...
  13. M

    Hex Tank Gal. ? Need Math Wizz

    Here you go, the area of any regular hexagon is A = 2.598(a x a) with "a" being the length of a side and A the area. A=2.598(a x a) A=2.598 (14 x 14) A=509.2 square inches Volume = Area x height V=A x h V= 509.2 x 24 V = 12220.99 cubic inches There are 231 cubic inches in a US...
  14. M

    What am I? ID help please.

    Well that sounds pretty much unanimous, a sponge it must be. I was just a little surprised to find so many of them in one location. I'm just amazed at the things I see in the tank sometimes. Thanks for the help.
  15. M

    What am I? ID help please.

    I noticed these little white organisms in my overflow. They are white, somewhat translucent and vary in size from 1~2mm to as large as 6 or 7 mm across. Almost like the body of a tiny jellyfish minus the tentacles. That are attached to the walls inside the overflow box. Any help in...
  16. M

    Advice - Twisted Anemone

    I bought the tank complete, Ebay. It was advertised as a reef tank so I assumed the inhabitants were reef safe and didn't know any better. Boy have I learned alot in the last six months! (Thanks RF) The bicolor might nip at any new corals a couple of times when their first introduced but he...
  17. M

    Advice - Twisted Anemone

    Actually yes he did thanks for asking. Looks as healthy as ever. Who's knows what goes on in there after the lights go out:shock:
  18. M

    Advice - Twisted Anemone

    No prob Krish. don't be to hard on yourself.
  19. M

    Acclimation Procedures

    I've been using the drip method for everything. I just float the critter in a tupperware bowl in the reguguim for temp acclimation and use an IV drip thing (the little wheel that pinches the IV tube) to drip water in at a controlled rate. Once I have dripped in twice the orignial water volume...
  20. M

    Advice - Twisted Anemone

    I noticed that my anemome (Heteractis magnifica) has somehow managed to twist its foot almost 360 degrees. I assume I should carefully untwist him...right? Surely the constriction is going to do some harm sooner rather than later:confused: Has anyone seen this before? He is the size of a...