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  1. R

    Probiotics, What?

    distinguishing between good and bad bacteria in a tank is recognizable by good = lack of disease, good level of dissolved oxygen, health of the inhabitants, reproduction level, corals opened fully, low level of nuisance algae, lack of odors, macros growing well, lots of coralline, clean...
  2. R

    phosphate remover results.

    well good news that you made a decision, if you made it then it is the correct one.
  3. R

    Probiotics, What?

    probiotics what? on this huge ball we live on it is not conceivable that a specific bacteria will be rendered extinct. and in that bacteria are microscopic a die off in a tank is not an immediate pollution threat (under normal conditions). if we were to add ten heaters to the tank turned all...
  4. R

    Probiotics, What?

    Mike, The good and bad are distinguished by their purpose and their ability to complete that purpose. our bodies are hosts to many types and thousands of bacteria,there are bacteria that give us bad breath and others that keep our mouths fresh. (depends mostly on the amount of air in our mouths...
  5. R

    macro algae

    by macro I would guess you mean caulerpa algae, this algae is problematic. it goes sexual and breaks down flooding the tank with toxins and the stored up trates & phos. you would prune when new growth is about 8" long and you can remove up to 1/2. amount to prune depends on how much you feel...
  6. R

    Frusterated! And tired of trying!!!

    please give credance to suggestion by shallowreef if it is broke it can be fixed.
  7. R

    Maybe Eggs??????

    no one has had success with raising peppermint fry, they will die within a few hours of hatching. fry however make good food for others in the tank ( if they can see them)(as the shrimp usually only sheds them after dark.
  8. R

    just wondering about my salt

    wondering about my salt most if not all of the salt mfg'rs do a poor job of mixing the dry ingredients. salt should be mixed slowly in to the water that is preferably at room temp at least, or at best the temp it will be in the tank as SG is calibrated per temp,ie: the same saltwater at 80 deg...
  9. R

    skimmer ?

    The efficiency of any skimmer is determined by dwell time, and bubble size that is to say, the longer the reaction area the better the efficiency, the smaller size and quantity of the bubbles the better the efficiency. if the water is run thru the skimmer too fast then it is not exposed to the...
  10. R

    phosphate remover results.

    use care when removing the cc as it can scratch the glass if you plan on going in bare hand, don't, buy a few pairs of those cheap rubber gloves. bristle worm stings hurt as do cuts from the cc. infection is easy to come by from a salt tank.
  11. R

    phosphate remover results.

    Also! feel free to ask, if you see or encounter a problem get your puter going. and ask, ask, ask
  12. R

    substrate poll

    Daytona, what exactly are you looking for? you have received terrific recommendations and step by step directions. just do it and quit tormenting yourself, you will receive so much conflicting info as krish75 stated that you are bound to become more confused. if you can not decide flip a coin.
  13. R

    What is the best online store for fish & inverts

    You got it! "is there such a place" ugh, no! if the price don't get you the shipping will. depending on what you want check the "for sale" on the reef sites.
  14. R

    phosphate remover results.

    A primary concern will be maintaining Ph in the tubs, air feeds raise Ph. when replacing coral, fish you will want very close parameters between tank and tubs. it is also possible to shock the live rock to the point that it becomes ineffective for a while. match temp, Ph, sg and alk I hope this...
  15. R

    phosphate remover results.

    Hey looks good, my 2 cents, it would be a good idea to place heater with fish. a gradual drop in temp ok for coral, coral should have some water movement the fish also if you can, otherwise use air pump for movement. pre wet your new sand with saltwater.keep a light on the coral in the tub if...
  16. R

    phosphate remover results.

    You have gotten good advice now, and a path to follow. dsb are effective but have drawbacks, I have had a dsb that worked but I removed it due to the undesirable aspects connected to it. the crushed coral and or shell are not recommended as they are dirt traps and when you vacuum you remove a...
  17. R

    phosphate remover results.

    phosphate remover A dsb favors no3 reduction, will not do much for po4 reduction. what you are experiencing is known as old tank syndrome. do you blow off your rock? you were asked how you decided you have high po4 this will tell a lot. red slime is cyno bacteria a sign of high po4 and of a...
  18. R

    Probiotics, What?

    I will not comment on the products of Marc Weiss, this man has great in site, he is using probiotics and catalysts to his full advantage, he has a web site where he explains a lot but not enough to really help aquarists trust and understand probiotics. it is one of those take my word for it...
  19. R

    Probiotics, What?

    probiotics I am a one finger typist and I think it is getting numb, for those interested here is a link to a company that I mentioned that deals almost exclusively in probiotics. they design specific bacteria for specific applications. there is a section for aquaria, also go to the bottom of...
  20. R

    Probiotics, What?

    OOPS! must be getting old.