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  1. pitmam01

    Anyone been stung by a frogspawn?

    Wow, those look great!! I am a little worried just thinking about what the guy in the picture uses them for though, ha ha ha. ;)
  2. pitmam01

    Sun Coral not wanting to feed.....

    Where do you get the shrimp juice??? Can you buy it in a grocery store?? :badgrin:
  3. pitmam01

    anybody have a sand sifting goby story?

    Finally found a picture of the other kind of goby I have, he's an Engineer Goby. When I got him, he was maybe an inch long ad mostly black. He's now about 5 inches long and is blackish with yellow spots everywhere. He looks like an eel but with a sweet face. He tunnels everywhere and makes...
  4. pitmam01

    anybody have a sand sifting goby story?

    I have had and lost so many sand sifters that I have a "frequent diamond goby" card with my fish store. I like the dragon gobies but they're like mini crop dusters, hovering over everything and spreading sand all over the corals. As soon as my sand looks a little dirty on top, it makes me...
  5. pitmam01

    Eye problem....

    My yellow tang's eyeball has a foggy looking cover on it. Looks like his eyeball is bulging out. He is eating and acting normal so far. Is there some kind of a "common" disease that fish get, causing the eyes to fog over??? :cry: Thanks
  6. pitmam01

    Sherman Tank 120

    Cute little dudes!!! :oops::oops:
  7. pitmam01

    my hairy toadstool

    Glad I found this thread, my toadstool is all purplish and hasnt extended it's polyps for 2 days. Guess I'll wait it out.....
  8. pitmam01

    The move

    Yeah!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops::oops:
  9. pitmam01

    How long do cleaner shrimp live?

    That's funny, that's exactly how I can tell if mine's still alive.
  10. pitmam01

    How long do cleaner shrimp live?

    I have a cleaner shrimp, a coral banded shrimp (creep) and a fire shrimp that I have had since I set my tank up (a little over a year now). :oops:
  11. pitmam01

    How much is your electricity bills.

    My electric and gas bill just came in $614.00. 2005 sq ft house. Ugh.... :mad:
  12. pitmam01

    should i get a uv sterilizer for my reef?

    I've always used one and plan to continue doing so. :eek2:
  13. pitmam01


    For some reason, I can not keep any kind of sandsifter (mostly gobies) in my tank for longer than a month. They either jump out the top or they just disappear. I have tried several different types to no avail. Anybody have any suggestions...............??? :confused:
  14. pitmam01

    I Need a zoo or paly hookup

    Thanks for the hookup!! I received my order from John today and it was fabulous. All the pieces opened up right away and were good sized. I would order from him again!! Thanks :eek2:
  15. pitmam01

    What's the dowside to a nanocube?

    I see they have these Taam Rio Nano skimmers that are about 35.00 (Marine Depot). Is that worth a try??
  16. pitmam01

    What's the dowside to a nanocube?

    So, I think I'm going to get a 12 gallon nanocube for my office instead of changing my 90 gal to a 150 gal, lol. What's the biggest hastle when it comes to the nano's?? :?::p
  17. pitmam01

    I Need a zoo or paly hookup

    I am looking for an oline dealer who has a variety of zoo's and paly's for sale. I have plenty or greens and pinks, I'm looking for some purples, yellows or blues. Anyone have a referral?? I need someone who's online pics are realistic and not photoshopped to death. Thanks...
  18. pitmam01

    What type of anemones split regularly?

    I have a BTA that I've had for less than a year, it has split 4 times now. I fed the "original" BTA silverslides, now all I do is occassionally squirt mysis in their tentacles. Once they split and land, they stay where they are so I don't know if they split cuz they're happy or cuz they're...
  19. pitmam01

    Anybody ever order from.....

    Well I guess I've been lucky so far, as many times as I've ordered saltwater items onliine, this is the first bad experience I've had. I guess I will follow the "dispute the credit card charge" route. Thanks all!!
  20. pitmam01

    More new questions

    Sorry to hear about your fish. I started out with a "rogue" fish guy (victim of not knowing better and trusting) and ended up replacing alot of equipment, etc. Now a year later and I'm happy as a clam!!!