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The cat is a young persian, Frost white! his name is Achmed......he more like a dog then a cat, he has been raised with a toy poodle and a golden retriever....Funny cat.. He looks at you like your an infedel...
The cat is a young persian, Frost white! his name is Achmed......he more like a dog then a cat, he has been raised with a toy poodle and a golden retriever....Funny cat.. He looks at you like your an infedel...

And I'm looking at you like youre a redneck who doesnt think before opening his mouth.
No realy, he looks at you like your an infedel. No pun is intended.. This cat has a major tude! I think you got me nailed though, im a redneck with a persian cat, a golden retriever, a toy poodle and a bunch of fish...

Why would there be any offense to a cat name? Oh he is a terrorist! I did see jeffs show when he came to town, thats some funny stuff...... besides that i have white friends, black friends, yellow friends, purple friends....and many more friends with colors.... im friend with people from pakatsan, iran, and a few other countries.... one thing i found is that we all bleed the same color... To throw out the redneck statement is just ignorant... oh and over used nowadays.... And remember We are Americans! Happy Reeffing!
But Cat's Have no country Loyalty,And commonly little Humility-That dog's at least have at Times--They know when they have been bad--But a Cat -well they just don't seem to care.

I have a dog. My wife and daughter have 2 cat's for the first time in 18 Years and all I can say is--If it wasn't for them I probably would never own a cat.

A dog yes but a cat NO !
Mike when you were here for dinner I think we ate cat, LOL

Just kidding all you cat lovers, it is an inside joke only Mike and I will get...
Lol That What i thought it was! was there some Bishon mixed up in the soup? lol thats some funny stuf.