You can find a Google Map and instructions in Post #34.
And a bit of an update on that as well: Our nice neighbors in the house just before ours have offered up their entire parking area. It is a small house with a 2 car shop on an upper level. PSAS members can fill both parking areas as needed, and I will post a sign with a "P".
I also just got back from The Shark Reef with two sweet mari-cultured coral colonies Eric has so generously donated to the raffle.
They are in for a short QT period and will be in the frag tank for viewing during the meeting. Make sure you bring some bucks to join in on the raffle!!
Maybe Mario will donate something too?
And a bit of an update on that as well: Our nice neighbors in the house just before ours have offered up their entire parking area. It is a small house with a 2 car shop on an upper level. PSAS members can fill both parking areas as needed, and I will post a sign with a "P".
I also just got back from The Shark Reef with two sweet mari-cultured coral colonies Eric has so generously donated to the raffle.
They are in for a short QT period and will be in the frag tank for viewing during the meeting. Make sure you bring some bucks to join in on the raffle!!
Maybe Mario will donate something too?