My new "cube"

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Ok here are a few pics from my recent donations from the house/tankwarming party. These are from Akitadad (Chris) some great LPS and a sweet cap with some macro algae (look close just above the brain. Brain was mine, the fox and the candy cane is new.
BigT came through with some SPS and they are doing I'm looking forward to getting more sometime in the near future, Chris (Akitadad) has some fine SPS for me as well. I also have an awsome purple acro, not sure of the actual name, on hold at Indoor Reef.
In addition to the corals Reeffan brought me this collection cup for the beckett skimmer that I had him make almost a year ago. Collection cup is one with a carbon chamber and auto shut off...very nice as are all of his pieces...Thanks bro!
I also did some mods to the tank, added actinic lighting via T5 retro kits from Indoor Reef. Put a piece of scrap acrylic over my overflow to eliminate the salt creep due to splashing.
Had to add these classic pictures from the house/tankwarming party...if you ever thought that your non-reef friends are not totally interested in your tank...think again :lol: Here is everyone that was left towards the close of the party, waiting and watching me feed the lions :badgrin:
Picked up a sweet coral for DaCube tonight from Indoor Reef (they have more of these beauties) I will leave it there in the center bottom until it has sufficient time to acclimate to my lighting. The pictures really don't do this piece justice, it is a deep purple.
wierd growth so far. assuming I know who the wholesaler is I want to throw out Rosaria or loripes. The coloration Rosaria. going with rosaria. seems the radial coralites are more compact though.
Rosaria it shall be called from now on ;) Brad, quick question for long do you usually keep your corals down low before bringing them up to their permanent spot?
Very nice Todd. I was drooling over that piece the other day. One day I would love a frag of that guy :D So have the bits that I gave ya starting to encrust yet? I would think that you could put that coral mid tank or higher at this point, and it shouldn't be a problem since their tanks are so shallow where it came from.
Dangerous Coral

Being that this as yet an unidentified species with unknown side effects to the inhabitants of your tank, I shall unselfishly offer to take this very possibly dangerous coral from you and put it into my virgin tank until such time as it is deemed ‘safe.’

:D :D :D :D
I haven't had problems with any of my bali's lightening up too much. a few days then move it half way and the watch it. if it doesn't change too drastically then you can move it up more.
bigreefer said:
outa curriosity, how the lions like the flow that cudda is puttin out

My red one actually plays in the flow :lol: The black one is more subdued but still does just fine, the first week or so was a bit rough but they got used to it :D
MarineDreamer said:
Being that this as yet an unidentified species with unknown side effects to the inhabitants of your tank, I shall unselfishly offer to take this very possibly dangerous coral from you and put it into my virgin tank until such time as it is deemed ‘safe.’

:D :D :D :D

Trevor, didn't you read this is a Rosaria :rolleyes: that's what we have decided so that is what it will be :lol: Besides it looks so good (and lonely) in my cube :p Everything still a go for the clam night?
From Todd:

Everything still a go for the clam night?

We are still a 'go mission.' I told B that it's all her fault that I have to go 'cause I have to learn all that I can because she wants clams in the tank! :eek:

I don't think that she's buying it. :D