My Upgrade to a 265 gallon display.

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Cool thanks Nikki. I wired up my one set of T5's last night and will try take some pics later on to give you guy's an idea of where I'm going with the aquascape.
Hey moortim thanks bud. I agree it's great to watch thread set ups. I spent months scanning the net for idea's. Hopefully some of this will be of help to someone in the future.
Anthony,I have to give it to you! you did an awesome job ,really. I've been with working on my 500gal for 1 1/2 years now, and its not even close to be done yet! I like yours a lot. Good luck to you and I'll be looking for your pics with the final set up
Dragonfly said:
Hey moortim thanks bud. I agree it's great to watch thread set ups. I spent months scanning the net for idea's. Hopefully some of this will be of help to someone in the future.

My problems is not that I don't want to spend months scanning for ideas, but rather my bank account tells me that is what I get to do, and I must obey:cry: .

moortim said:
My problems is not that I don't want to spend months scanning for ideas, but rather my bank account tells me that is what I get to do, and I must obey:cry: .


I hear you. I've had to try and build as much of it as I could myself and save the cash for the cool stuff. I was fortunate to pick up about 60 pounds of live rock for next to nothing from a guy who took down his system.

Hi candcande thanks for the compliments. Here's hoping that your system starts coming together for you.
Very Nice! That is a nice set up. Very well thought out. Can't wait to see the tank filled with livestock.

Hi everyone, thought I would just post some updated pics of my system.


This is a full tank shot showing the aquascape. There are still a few more pieces of live rock that I am curing and will be put in. I'm not going to make the same mistake as I have with previous systems and over do it on the rock. I want to leave space for the corals to grow out maximise flow.


Left side of the tank.


Side view. I took the pictures just after I fired up the XM 10k's that I received yesterday. Also have all the actinics running. I had to switch the 2 outer halides off to get these pictures, so just the middle one is on. It was just too bright and I was too tired to play around with camera settings. So far the XM's look good but I will wait till they burn in before making my mind up.
Thanks guy's. The aquascape didn't quite pan out like I had it in my mind.. I suppose it never does but I'm trying to keep it as natural looking as possible. A friend of mine on our local board commented that my fish always seem to be in hiding. There's actually quite a bit of livestock in the system and the size of the tank makes it deceiving, but the following are hiding away in the rockwork :)
1 x Peppermint shrimp
1 x Cleaner shrimp
1 x Fire shrimp
15 x Turbo snails
1 x Zebra Brittle star
9 x Chromis viridis
8 x Anthias sp. (Think they are Nemanthias carberryi )
1 x Banana wrasse (Halichoeres Chrysus)
1 x Guinea Fowl wrasse
1 x Exquisite wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)
1 x Yellow watchman goby
1 x Long nose Hawkfish (Love this guy)

I won't add any more fish for a while. I want to start adding my coral back. But the plan fish wise is to have only one big fish. More than likely a Powder Blue but the jury is still out on that.
Other fish that I will add over time are, Bangaii Cardinals, Fire and Flame goby's, a pair of manderins, pair of clowns (Percula) and more anthias.
Anthony, Looks great ! I like that aquascaping - with all the goodies you plan on placing in there it will be awesome ! :)
Thanks Shilo and Detri, sorry about the late reply things have been hectic.
Got a few more pics to post. First up is how my 2 skimmers are going off against each other.

The Deltec foam


The Idol Marine foam (IM is a locally made skimmer)


Deltec collection cup after 3 days.


Idol marine after 3 days. This cup has a drainage line on but the quantity and consistency was the same as the Deltec.

Bio load is very low at the moment and all the live rock is cured.
Got a chance today to see what my system will look like with all the cabinetry in place. It's not for too long though. It's going off for some mods tomorrow.
The access doors are way too small so I'm changing that to put bigger doors on. Also want access doors on either end.

Just adding a bit more of South African flavour to Reef Frontiers, cool site this. Hey, guess what!!! I caught 2 LION FISH this weekend, you want one ?
Very nice Anthony!! I love the full tank shot with the stand and canopy! It helps me to apprecciate the rockwork even more...Very nice!:)
viper357 said:
Just adding a bit more of South African flavour to Reef Frontiers, cool site this. Hey, guess what!!! I caught 2 LION FISH this weekend, you want one ?


Hey Krish, how you doing bud. Yeah cool thanks. I've changed my rockscape slightly and started moving some of my livestock back in. I need to take some updated pics for you guys. So far everything has responded well and I've suffered no casualties from the move. My Elegance was my biggest worry but he seems fine thank God.