Nana's 40B

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Well must not be to much of a problem...he's still in there-lmao!! Strange because he pays no attention at all to my Idaho Grape, all other Monti's he destroys.
Yeah, those little guys can be a pain in the a**. I have a flame tail blenny, but he doesn't bother anything. The biggest problem I have is my zebra bar dartfish, they blast into the sand and blow it all over my corals. So I am in there with the turkey baster a lot. Your corals look fabulous, Nana.
I'm soooo procrastinating with removing him. The Monti's acting all funky even in the cage. All day today there was no polyp extension and it was looking real yucky. So I lowered it a bit and wha la I'm seeing polyps.
This is what's keeping me from removing the fish. Would hate to do so and the Monti winds up dying anyways.
Spotted this lil guy in my fuge this morning...very cool!
Thank you Marty and yes it sure did :) I'm very happy to add that I bought a Sixline Wrasse yesterday. I know I was taking a chance but it's a fish I've been wanting for 6yrs. Just never got one because of tank size and all the horror stories.
At the LFS yesterday I saw 2 being kept in the same tank. Watched them for about 30 minutes and noticed they were very docile and not just with each other but all the other fish as well. They were in the same tank for 2wks without issues. So I brought one home.
Gotta say after 24hrs so far so perfect. He pays no attention to my other fish, nor them him. Actually my Gramma hasn't been as visible as he is now. Just seems to like the Sixline's company-lol.
Anyways I now have 5 fish in my tank. Most fish I've had since I began Reefing. I'm very happy! I've always loved fish (35yrs keeping FW) but never had a tank big enough to keep more than 2-3 SW.

Now to get this crap cleared up off the SB and I'm a reefing perfection-lol. NOT! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!
I had a 6 line wrasse for 9 years. I had 5 black saddleback clownfish. He would pick on the small ones but stay clear of the adults. Cool fish!
I had a 6 line several years ago and I don't remember it being a problem at all. Very cool looking little fish.
But I have read a lot of stories about them being a spawn of the devil, and then some being model citizens. So I guess you have a good chance of having good luck with it.
I always wanted a 6 line but heard that they can be little aggressive. I do have a melanurus and a red head solar fairy wrasse and I am real happy with those. The melanurus doesn't bother anything and the solar only bugs the dartfish once in awhile. But my pink bar goby doesn't like anyone getting to close to his hole and his shrimp. Fish are funny.
Tank is doing marvelous-lol.. Bought another Hawiian Feather Duster. Hopefully second times the charm. Also picked up a $5 frag and have already forgotten the name. Bad me-lol.
Ordered a reactor to help fight silicates.
Corals are all doing so well. Great growth, good colors. Fish are all getting along great too. It's definitely a tank loving day :)

New Coral

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Very nice, nana. I lost almost all of my green candy canes. They were okay one day, the next they looked like something wasn't right and the next morning, all white and dead. I turned the frag and I had one that was okay, so I will build off of that one. Yours look beautiful. Good luck on the feather duster.
Thank N1Husker :) So far the Feather Duster is doing quite well. Loves when I dose phytoplankton/zooplankton. Not sure which one as I dose em both at the same time-lol.
Thank N1Husker :) So far the Feather Duster is doing quite well. Loves when I dose phytoplankton/zooplankton. Not sure which one as I dose em both at the same time-lol.
I started feeding my corals Reef Chili from BRS and right after I did they started plumping right up. The acans and my candy canes really like it as does my hairy mushrooms. I thought I would try it and so far I like it.
Thank N1Husker :) So far the Feather Duster is doing quite well. Loves when I dose phytoplankton/zooplankton. Not sure which one as I dose em both at the same time-lol.
I started feeding my corals Reef Chili from BRS and right after I did they started plumping right up. The acans and my candy canes really like it as does my hairy mushrooms. I thought I would try it and so far I like it.