No I didn't get one yet. Definitely on my shopping list. Don't know how much longer I can go without a WC. It's bothering me inna big way. But my SB looks so good-lol.
Well hell inna hand basket. My Enchanada decided to go to war with my lil Lobo. The Lobo lost
On a side note, Salifert silicate test kit came. Both tank & RO/DI reservoir reading 0
Thank You. If you were to see it in person you'll be wrinkling your nose. Almost two years now I've been plagued with a sand bed that looks like this..UGH!!
We no longer have an LFS that sells SW. Everything must be ordered online and living where I do I fear a bunch of DOA's due to cold weather.
FedEx & UPS are not very dependable. I often pay for 2 days shipping and usually get it by the 4th or 5th day.
Well I tried the h2o2 remedy. Mistakingly overdosed. Wound up killing my Cleaner Shrimp and my Candy Cane looks like crap. I'm no longer dosing, did a WC. Just totally frustrated...
Oh yeah I've considered it. Unfortunately can't do nothing till tax return. I definitely don't wanna go bare bottom.
Look what happened to my Fire & Ice Zoas! Finally opened up and I see this. Morphed to orange centers!