Nana's 40B

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I think a lot of it is 2 changes you've made lately. New salt and new lights.
I think that once the corals are all acclimated to the things that affect them directly, they will come back around.
Also, when I switched out the lighting on my 50, after a month I was thinking I'd made a mistake and started looking for the same kind of light I had before. But maybe a couple two or three weeks after that I looked and realized that my tank was looking good. I was glad I just hung in with it.
I'm hanging I'm hanging-lol. Guess my car troubles are having a negative effect on my attitude. Nothing looks good right now <sigh>
It's been just about a year, right? First year of tanks is hard, no matter how much experience you bring to the table. I think you are close to thing thing really taking off. A little more time... and the positive changes you've made arrangements going to do it!
Nope. 2yrs in April. Tis why I'm feeling like I do. With the swap coming up, it's my only time to buy new corals and I'm uncertain whether I should or not. I only get to once a year.
Haha look what I finally spotted tonight using my trusty lil flashlight. I knew it was in there but have only seen an arm or two. What joy!!

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Yesterday was one for the books. Started out by taking my toy poodle to get groomed. 3hrs later I'm picking up my adorable poodle that now looks like a rat, seriously!! They shaved him bald! Even his ears :(
Get home and son's able to open my RO/DI & membrane housings so I can change em out. Sediment housing leaking. Try everything but it's done for. Happily ordered a new unit from BRS. :)
Get mess cleaned up just in time to watch the fights. Not 5min am I sitting comfortably and the power goes out. I take this as a sign to head for bed with a good book, fights are recording. 30min later still no power so I'm pulling out the battery air pumps. Spend 10 min looking for new D batteries and wha la powers back on. Check tank and return pump isn't running. Unplug 2x still nadda. I take this as a sign that it's time to clean it. 45min later it's running like a champ.
Check sump area and skimmers overflowing <sigh> now what?! Please no! Sure enough that little plate thingy that locks the impeller in place, well one of the hinges looked about ready to break off last I cleaned it. I just left it alone hoping it wouldn't get worse. Guess it got worse :(
I went to bed. I'll deal with it in the morning....
OMG, what a crappy evening.
Wish I could have been more help on the rodi, but maybe it was time for a new unit.
Looks like you picked a nice one.

I've found that when normally reliable pumps have trouble restarting, it means it may be time to consider a new impeller.
Over time and use, the magnet can swell and jambs when stopped.
As long as you got it going again with just cleaning it, it may last a long time, or may not restart when it's shut off again.

Hope today is better.
The pump impeller had a nice hard ring of calcium deposit on it. Even after soaking in vinegar it was hard to get off. But it's now clean. Shouldn't it last longer then 2yrs? What if I were to buy a new impeller?
I was hoping this tank wasn't gonna cost me a whole lot this year. I cannot find anyone selling just the lil part for my skimmer so it looks like I'll have to but a whole new pump. Stupid because it's working fine.
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If you buy a new pump impeller, the current one will last for years. If you don't buy a new one, the current one will self destruct in a week. lol
Murphy's Law. 101