Nana's 40B

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Reefers curse. There will ALWAYS be one thing really happy with any change you make... at least it always seems that way to me. The trick is to figure out what about the change made that thing happy....
I would guess that your light intensity changed when you switched. Acans tend to prefer lower light. If the trend continues, when you put the new light back, I'd try moving the acans into the shade a bit...

I will agree with this.
Especially about the change part. But will add, there will probably be another coral just as unhappy with the change.

And there has been a few changes in the last couple weeks. :)
In my 50 it took a month before the zoanthids got happy with the T5's. I was just about really to pull the plug on that experiment, when one day I started noticing how big some polyps were and how many new ones here and there.
I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be satisfied with my tank.....I'm absolutely no good with positioning my rock so it works for coral placement. When I do place the corals it never seems to work for one reason or another and I wind up losing them. I think I have 1 coral from last years swap. That's a lot of money wasted. I buy corals without any idea where to put them.
Do Chalices belong on rock? Do Acans belong on rock? On the SB there forever getting moved, tilted or covered with sand from snails and my Conch.
I've no shade areas from overhangs. So I try moving what needs to be, off to the side or to the back.
Now I'm just being critical <sigh>
My take on acans and chalices is acans belong on the sand bed and chalices can go either way.
Most chalices grow from the center out in a mostly circular pattern, and don't have much shape other than round.
So, what I do is try and find spots on rocks that break up that round shape.
Plus I really don't have plans on fragging my chalices very much ( there are exceptions) so I do like them on my live rock, but down low, and even off to the side.
I'll never be satisfied with my tank, but I think that is part of the fun of it.
It it were like potted plants on the window sill, and you just did a little watering here and there and they grew and were happy all the time, it would be the most boring hobby I've ever had. (I can't grow potted plants worth anything, but that might just be because they are boring)

I agree with Marty on placement of both chalices and acans.

Tank is changing a bunch for you now, and you have been super patient with it. Your sand bed thing had me wondering if this tank was just not meant to be honestly, but I think these recent changes are going to have a huge effect. Tough it out, there are good things coming...
Well I guess I need to do a little rescaping. Swaps this weekend!! Jim's also bringing me a couple rocks, one live one not.
Here's another issue. My Gyre XF130. So much flow at the opposite end that I can't put anything on the sand bed in that area. I've only got it turned to 20%. Cages turned facing the surface. Tried my Favia, the tissue started receding. Tried my Brain same thing. Tried a Chalice, same. Now what do I do? Lol are y'all sick of me yet?
I've moved it to the opposite end. Stupid me had it on the same end as my return. Sometimes I swear my mom dropped me on my head as a baby, ugh!
Now the return and Gyre are facing each other :)





Also got 2 Emerald Crabs, a Fancy Brittle Star and an Ultra Blue T. Maxima Clam.
Thanks! I'm stoked for sure. No way could I afford these online. After 7yrs I finally got a Blasto Wellsi :) Can't believe I chose a Ric but the colors are amazing.
Little did I know that my sister had been saving up her change and this a.m. surprised me with $100.00 for frags-lol. I was 100% prepared to go and just help out the vendors, 5 of which were in attendance. Big for us! Anyways their gratitude was shown in abundance. I had the best time ever!! Got first pick before we even opened. It was a great turn out! I believe the vendors did well too. I even had a beer-lol.

Now you all get to help me place everything properly. So prepare yourselves-lol. I would love to try a natural grafting by putting the new red Monti up close to my Idaho Grape Monti.

I'm now exhausted, what a day. Thank you all for being here for me.
I took the time today to this thread from start to finish as I am new here. You are a great addition to this hobby. So happy to see you work through all that you have with such a great attitude. Wishing you continued success.

Thank you Tom :) I have to give a lot of credit to many here at RF. They've had an abundance of patients-lol. I will take credit for it rubbing off on me.