Nana's 40B

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Keeping my fihgers crossed for you.

Lol-thank you!! I'm not worried though. Seeing how easy it was to remove a bunch of sand without it hurting my tank at all, I'm going to continue removing it until all is gone. I just hate the fact that I'm seeing less and less spaghetti worms.
Well after 4yrs running my jbj ato seems to have given up the ghost. Thus my alarm this morning of my return sucking air <sigh> Amazing how certain noises will wake you from a dead sleep.
Manual topping off time. At least for a while.
You know, I'm not usually one to suggest crap that doesn't have any real proof behind it, but you have been battling this so long... Have you thought about the micobubbles thing? I'm generally not convinced its really doing anything since all the evidence is anecdotal, but I haven't heard of harm coming from it (yet?)
I tried this for just 48hrs during the ChemiClean treatment. More as an oxygenator than anything though.
I'm not going to work anymore on curing it. Just removing the SB. I'm sick of this battle. My only concern is will the new substrate become infected as well?
I know you don't like bare bottom, but once the old sand is out, I might let it go for a few weeks, see what happens before adding the new.
Im BB right now. I will say. I have a bit of algae as well. Idk if there is much i can do but wait it out
It be dying off.
Took another sock full of SB out today.



Been busy with sisters recovery. 3wks ago she was flown to Milwaukee WI for open heart surgery. Today she's almost back to her normal self-lucky me! Lol It's been a harrowing 5 months to say the least. However we had some great support from friends, family and strangers alike whom we will be forever grateful to.

Tank wise I'm still struggling with this brown crap. It's gone from a dusty looking to now slimy looking. I'll just continue removing all sand until it's gone.
I fear that something is amiss with the chemistry in some way. I have days where even the glass is dusky making the water look cloudy. I'd give anything to know what's causing this. <sigh>
Otherwise all is well. Corals growing great, fish healthy. Fancy Brittle Star still alive, I target feed it 2-3x a week.
That is all :)
It's like 3:51am and I've been restless all freaking day. Now insomnia has reared it's ugliness.
In the past 6 months my tank has taken a back seat in my life. First time any tank of mine has been put there. Financially it's been a struggle, of course this is when things begin to break, stop working or are needed.
Too I haven't had the emotional energy to put the effort into proper husbandry.
Today I noticed that most of the Coralline that covered the back wall has disappeared. I mean the tanks right in front of me every day and I just noticed this?!
My fuge area looks the amazon jungle. I can't even see the baffles! Thick with algae they are.
My ATO died. Then today my mixing pump burned out, leaving me to dump out 5g's of new mix. I had to remove the wp10 from the DT to use to mix which is totally inefficient.
Still this brown slimy stuff persists. My last WC was on the 24th of last month. I don't even remember the last time I tested any parameters.
Now I'm getting angry at myself just writing this!

Crazy thing is.....all corals are thriving! Lol
No complaints today! Took me a while but I've finally figured it out that boohooing about my tank doesn't really help-lol.
Going to take on the task of cleaning out my fuge area. Although my Turbo Snail has been going to town in there, still to much for him to handle on his own.
All else is well :)
Well I started dosing Vibrant Thursday night. 6ml 3x so far, tonight being the 3rd dose. A bit more often than the directions called for of 2x a week but I'm desperate.
The brown nastiness that was covering the back wall has turned white.
Generally 24-48hrs after a WC and sand removal the SB would once again begin turning brown, within 7 days it was big brown stringy slimy patches everywhere.
Now 24hrs after a WC the sand is still pretty white. Haven't had to clean my glass in 3 days. I'm remaining optimistic.
Stay tuned.....