Nana's 40B

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Congrats to both of you on anniversaries then! :)
My 180 turned a year a week or two ago. Looks like crap, things are dying and I don't know why. I am though very thankful to have a year down, if for no other reason than the first year is never "great"
Thank you! Sadly my Blenny is now in another's tank. Makes me very sad. Not even sure if I could introduce a new fish what with the 6Line being established. He was also pretty chummy with the Blenny, feel like I took away his best friend.

@spieszak what's up with your tank?
Well once again I did a WC using IO instead of the RC. I'm now convinced that my SB issue was caused by the RC.
Usually within 24hrs after a change using RC my SB would be covered with rust colored stuff. Even sooner.
As of today 48hrs after a change using IO, nothing. Nothing but a bit of residual from the RC.
I know many say the stuff in the RC is harmless. True that it hasn't hurt my fish or corals none. But it sure has done a number on my mixing pump, the bucket and my new skimmer in the way of staining and buildup.

After an 6hr soak in hot vinegar.



Oh I feel terrible he's down there trust me. He does go to a new home tonight though. A local vendor is taking him for me. :)

Good to hear :). I know a lot of people just setup a tank for the fish when they have to go in the sump...though mostly have seen it for stuff like damsels or mantis shrimps.
I'm beyond frustrated. Gotta bust a move and get this substrate out of my tank.
I feed once a day now. Sometimes even skipping a day. Change my sock every 3-4 days. Weekly 5g WC. Skimmer rated for up to 120g and it pulls nastiness. Chaeto growing like a weed.
Got major flow going on with 2x RW4's and 1 WP10, plus return. With all this why is this happening?!
Cyano on 1 rock that's closest to the lights.
Green algae covering the SB in the back only.
Could my lights be causing this?

I'm beyond frustrated. Gotta bust a move and get this substrate out of my tank.
I feed once a day now. Sometimes even skipping a day. Change my sock every 3-4 days. Weekly 5g WC. Skimmer rated for up to 120g and it pulls nastiness. Chaeto growing like a weed.
Got major flow going on with 2x RW4's and 1 WP10, plus return. With all this why is this happening?!
Cyano on 1 rock that's closest to the lights.
Green algae covering the SB in the back only.
Could my lights be causing this?

Well weren't you asking about adding another fish recently? If that was the case I'd hold off on that.

Let me pose a few thoughts, stick to the sock changes as mentioned,
skimmer probably working like mad,
Flow, how much is your turnaround of water?
How old are your lights, what type are the MH, LED, fluorescent?

Last but important, 5g a week wc, that would be a normal routine for your tank but from time to time you need to do more. here's why, it is difficult to siphon and remove accumulated waste in just 5g, so over time you get a build up and then get blooms like you have.

Stick to your plan but for the next few weeks, do a couple 15g wc changes, lightly siphon that bed each time. If you don't see results in two weeks you may need more aggressive cleanings, including your equipment. How is your sump, dsb in there? They can accumulate more than it can handle also so you may need to eventually look into that if you have one.

From what I see you have three possible areas that may need attention, water changes, lighting & flow. I see you went from RC to IO, same company but just higher levels reef minerals, unless you have sps only you probably never needed that, stick to IO, keep it simple, consistent.
I think it may be mostly a flow issue.
Last night I noticed a similar patch in my tank, back in a corner where there is hardly any flow.
In my tank it's also a area with low light.
Placed the wp10 to run flow against back wall bottom. Going to turn up the RW4's. Guess I'm afraid of giving my corals to much flow.
I figure as long as the flesh stays on the skeleton and the water stays in the tank, it's fine.
Well I've got my water rocking...literally! I've also been removing the sand in the affected areas.
I find it hard to place my power heads properly. Always have. Oh well, that's why you all are here right? Lol
Mine does as well but for 2yrs has always come out at dinner time. Today I've seen him not at all. Can't even spot him in his usual rock cave.
Well still no sign of my Gramma :( Moved a few rocks in his area of control, nadda. Sixline seems to know he's gone too as he's been hanging in/out of the Grammas area.
There were no signs of illness.....