Holy ummm...Moley!!! What's a Moley and who do some worship it? That Skimmer ROCKS!!! Matt, I believe you've found your talent!!!
Hey Matt I want one of those skimmers. Very good quallity as good as it gets. The people following this thread who hasn't seen it up close and in person. Has no idea of the quality of this skimmer the pics don't do it justice at all. Can't wait to see it in action after it's broke in. By the way Matt could you build mine just a tad smaller. GOOD JOB
Wow MAtt impressive who knows I may have to buy one of those for my tank... Teh Octos although great skimmers are very fussy would be nice to just have one work....
Oh I know they are hand made but to the blind Eye you really can't tell. Matt your work is very good. Don't be that hard on yourself!
I'm impressed.
That is really good news. I was honestly kind of worried about that.
Now when we suck the crud we need to see what it is sucking out then I will be happy....but so far the skimmer has past what I had expected.
how much you charging for one of these bad boys if you don't mind me asking...the build quality is amazing
the scfh meter makes it easy to tune in all 4 injectors. (you may want to get one)
Where do I get one? How much are they?
how much you charging for one of these bad boys if you don't mind me asking...the build quality is amazing
look here to compare... http://www.championlighting.com/product.php?productid=19235&cat=646&page=1
This looks to be built with 1/4'' flanges as where mine are 3/8''..