Nice shot Scooty! That one came out real nice!
Let me try this!
Actually I like this one better Charlie, you just can't see the resolution because it is shot down.
LOL!!! I like spending money You'll enjoy the smaller fish Scooty...They poop less Good luck with the first coral and hurry up with the pics!
Isn't that relative to the amount you feed them Krish?
Wow Scooter You have been busy! What's the type & make of these fans? I'm sorry if You already gave this info but I got lost about page 25 or so! Somewhere You mentioned venting into the attic is that still an option? Regardless your Tank is top notch!
I change things so much sometime I forget what I'm doing :lol:
I'm installing the AC fans this weekend, they are 4 1/2" forget the cfm's but they are quite, I'm still not sure where up top the hood I'll mount them. I will post more information after I get them installed.
Thanks for the complements, it is a long project, as you can see I'm not in a hurry to finish LOL!