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I agree with Peppie...I've been without a tank for about 2 years now. I said to myself back then I'd never get another saltwater tank especially seeing I wasn't active on RF anymore. When Scooty became admin and told me to get my butt back here to be a mod, it didn't take long for me to get the itch again. I had a tank ready for water and a friend just getting into the hobby wanted it really bad so I sold it to him and now just waiting to see what I will do next. Had it not have been for my accident in January, I would have had a tank up and running, but that set me back a bit. Almost out of the clear now and so I say by summer sometime I'll have a tank again and I'm excited!! Sometimes a break is what we all need at some point with a lot of things in life. Reefing is in our blood so you will 90% of the time come back to it. One thing I think I'll do in the future if I ever get to the point where I want out, I think I will just set up something very simple (probably not even any fish) that can basically maintain itself and just let it run. That way, when the interest hits you again, you will have a headstart already. :)
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I think a big part of the problem is just kind of being down with the crappy weather and not working. I am sure that once I see the tank lit up with the halides and water in the tank I'll get super motivated. :D

For the moment though it seems like it will be forever to complete. Just can't wait to get off this stupid work injury and get my butt back to work. I'm sure that Work = A Feeling of Usefulness, if that makes any sense.
Oh and Krish, I would take you up in a NY minute for a dive trip in the Bahamas/Nassau area. That would be so sweet right about now. :D Reminded me of my dives in Belieze about 6 years ago. That was sweet when I saw a Royal Gramma swim by that was the size of my hand.
Alex, I know how you feel. I have been lated off then on then off then on now off for the past two years. Alot more off than on. If I didnt have my wood shop and this hobby I would be a basket case. I some times have to do something on the honey do list just to feel like I am being responsable
I hear ya there Peppie. I am rewiring our house with a structured wiring system as part of the honey do list. :D Just trying to stay as busy as I can and not over due it to much. Got in trouble last month for replacing my dryer vent system as I aggrivated my injury. Of course Labor and Industries didn't like that to much and said I need to follow the doctors orders.
Many weeks since I was here, building my new reef for all to see
To the left and to the right, corals growing outta sight, there outta control
Well here I am, back in the hobby, with a continuing idea in my mind
And y'all better believe it, when I say...

I'm back, back in the reef keeping groove
I'm back, back in the reef keeping groove
I'm back, back in the reef keeping groove
Back, back in the reef keeping groove
*lol* Nope, Just finally going to continue the build. The corals in the other 3 tanks are growing like crazy. :D so I need to get my butt in gear and finally finish the 65. I was taking a little break from reefing.

I was taking a quick break from RK to finally get some projects done around the house. One major project was rewiring our house to bring it to the 21st century. We now have HDTV service, all new Dual RG6 and Dual Cat5e in each room. One cat5e for telephone and one for network. Also installed a new strucured media panel and a dedicated 15 amp breaker.

Oh and the fun part... Have had to have Comcast come out and put in a new line drop to our house because the PQ and On Demand was not working. All on them this time. But they've been out 7 times to repair there cabling on the pole. *lol* So funny as I had 5 Comcast vehicles out on Friday, 2 vans, 2 boom trucks and a car. Guy in the suit drove the car.
Install was completed by yours truly. Long project but well worth it as my wife bought me a nice HUGE HDTV.






I hear ya Reed. After we are done with Comcast free service, we are switching to DirectTV. Comcast is giving us 3 months free service so far. Plan on canceling on July 28th.

Okay here is a reef related photo. Have both my MH light fixtures now and plan on building the canopy over the next 2 weeks. Have the continuing idea of how I want it to look in my mind. Now to get it out of my mind and onto the tank. :D


Alex, looks like it fits perfectly you just need a pair of scissors and a roll of packaging tape = instant canopy. With such prominant product placement maybe Sunlight Supply will sponsor your tank... :flypig:

Cheers, Todd
Wooo Wooo there Todd, I know your opinion is very highly regarded here at RF, But Duct tape comes in many different colors.