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  1. plack

    Bricky's new Elos......

    Very Cool :-) My neck's getting better now and thank's for the warning !! Looks like 4 tunze stream's ?? :-) Paul
  2. plack

    Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

    Well when you put the fish in the qt tank that is an acclimation right there! and so why another accliation ?? But why when the first one is the crutial one to my thinking as the water in the bag will be a different oxygen and Ph than any good watyer and thus needs a slow drip acclimation! So...
  3. plack

    Socal reefer considering moving to seattle area.

    Ok Ok wow So I'm a little late Geesh :-o
  4. plack


    I use a diy Calcium reactor for a sulfur denitrator it has a 1-2 drops per second output. It is filled with midwest aquatics High Purity Sulfuer pearls then a sponge then Arm Media. I tested it a long time ago and the tank water was higher than the effluent ! Knowing it worked I just leave...
  5. plack

    Socal reefer considering moving to seattle area.

    It really depends on WHERE you will work ( Kind of work you do ?? )and how close you want to be and how long you want to drive before and after work !!!! Generally for better traffic flow going to work north of you and going home south of work Might be better for you :-) Let us know Where you...
  6. plack

    Red Brush Algae

    I have seen an emerald pick at looser green algae but I think it's a toss up. Some crabs will eat this but then those same crabs could endanger your corals and or small fish so---- The best compromise I know of is either a sally light foot or emerald crabs but that may vary a bit from one to...
  7. plack

    PSAS event - Frag Swap - September 20th 2008

    "I can't sit in a recliner. I'll just lay on the floor and you guys can pour shots in my mouth mkay?" Cool I'll bring my fishing rod an see if I can cast the lemon wedges in --- :-0 Paul
  8. plack

    becket injector question

    Have you tried turning the air completely off one or both of the 2 working ones to see if the other 2 suddenly work or if the air input itself is clogged ?? :-) Paul
  9. plack

    Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

    How do you acclimate for day's ?? Maybe match the salinity it came in and drip more salt slowly rising the salinity? But then the differnt salt's etc would also be a shock right? The only kind of aclimation I know of is drip ! Now usually fish come with only enoughp water to survive in for...
  10. plack

    PSAS Mentor -- New PSAS Program

    jnarowe, Have you ever tried the miracle balls from costco (small air balls) they seem to help me? I've read up on spinal manipulation as well and this sems to go right along with some of those method's like --- using a towel rolled up to place behind your lower back while you lay back down...
  11. plack

    bryopsis help please.

    I can't see how kent marine tech would be better at killing the bryopsis and do not believe it is. It would cost a fortune to use this with a large tank as well !! The results you speak of can happen with out any elevated levels at all. I would not recommend going as High as 2300 ppm. Going...
  12. plack

    i think i'm nuts :D

    I asked a vet about foods and he told me some of the more expensive ones have things they can't use or digest well but they love the taste. He told me to get some common food like purina dog chow as it is quite good for him! So you might want to ask the vet the low down on different foods and...
  13. plack

    help with kalk dripper

    People drip Kalk usually because they are running a calcium reactor and are experiencing constantly lower levels of PH like 7.9 sometimes lower. They drip kalk or use it with there auto water top off to bump it to more normal levels. If you have a calibrated PH probe and this is your condition...
  14. plack

    please ID

    The vacum this guy made and how he used it and a fish net style bag in the sump is great info ! :-) Paul
  15. plack

    long tent anemone wont burrow

    I first nugged mine into place by creating a cliff and a hole in a rock near the top. Once slowly/jently shoved there it anchored and never left. Before this it did dumb things like hang out Underneath a ledge where it would get little to no light which was bad and it did not want to move on...
  16. plack

    little giant water pump

    The onlt thing I have ever heard anyone say bad about them is that they get warm and raise the tank temp a little bit ! :-) Paul
  17. plack

    My 450 Lt Tank from Italy

    "My probes is N. 6 , ph,temp,redox,conducibilita,temp sump,ph sump my computer is aquasmart" Wow I just chek the temp /PH in the sump The closest thing controller wise I have and have seen is a Neptune Your tank does look very Nice !! :-) Paul
  18. plack

    My 450 Lt Tank from Italy

    How many probes are there in the top corner of the main tank second picture ?? It looks like 5 or 6 ?? Way more than me ! PH/ORP/Temp/???
  19. plack

    ozone reactor ??

    Thanks for the ideas. I want to use it now but cant seem to aford a better skimmer and the one I have I hate and is not ozone safe. I can't see me using a mag 18 and 100feet of hose for many reasons.
  20. plack

    ozone reactor ??

    "One can make a simple home made reactor that can work pretty well, consisting of 2 very long coils of ozone proof plastic tubing. One for the ozonated water and one for post ozonated water filled with carbon to remove any OTO's generated by the ozone before it enters the tank." I saw someone...