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I have a Sailfin and a Hippo in a 90 gal with a 30 gal sump. I got the Hippo when she was about the size of a dime and couldnt swim anywhere near one of my PH's without getting blown across the tank. I introduced the Sailfin about a year later and they a turned out to be really good friends and spend most of their time together. I had a Naso in there before the Sailgfin and one morning i came down to find him stuck to a PH intake, I had forgotten to relace the strainer after cleaning it, Broke my heart cuz I loved that fish.
Ed, now that's what i call a nice mix!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ron for compliment. :) I think the trick to acclimating tangs is making hiding spots and caves. If you want a colony of tangs, never add one fish at a time. If you do the fish will concentrate on that one fish. They may spar for a day or two but they will eventually settle down. This has worked for all fish with exception of a achilles a friend purchased or a Powder Blue another friend of mine talked about. I think its really cool when your colony of fish go towards the glass and wait for you to feed.
The more tangs you have, the more competitive they are for food. My blue girdled Angel learned that within a week. Its eat with the crowd or you do not eat. :)
have u seen the yellow scopaz tang varinet its very nice but double the normals price and no it wasnt a baby the 2 in stock where about 5 6 inchs
i saw one either on a store site or a research site one time....they look pretty similar to me...i guess it would be neat to be able to have one
i just added a hippo from qt into my display yesterday..i will get a pic of 3 tangs together when it lets me!!!
My hippo:

How big is that hippo? Do they not have the yellow pectoral when juvi's?

Thanks everyone for keeping this topic going with good pics and info:)

She's about 4"... got her at about 1.5" maybe 4 months ago and she's growing like crazy.

I don't know about the pectoral fins, but they definitely look more yellow now than they did in that picture (probably 2 months ago). I don't know if that's just because she's bigger and they're easier to see now or if it's part of the aging process.
How big is that hippo? Do they not have the yellow pectoral when juvi's?
that's strange!!! i have 2 small ones and they both have yellow on their fins!!!
yes it is only a 200... its about 15". Measured it when we moved it back into the main tank. the tangs love teasing it by swimming between the mantles, sometimes they get blasted with a huge squirt of water :p