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Here's my Ringtail Surgeon(Acantharus Blochii)
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He gets very bright with the MH's. Here's a closeup of his face, looks like a maze with all the lines. As well as a couple others...The pics with the flash are when he was in the holding tank :)


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He's the big guy in front of my Koran Angel. His coloration isnt as bright as I didnt have the greatest lighting in the holding tank. The third pic is in the same tank, just with no flash. Probably one of the only times he will sit still for a pic.

He's the coolest fish, with such a great personality. He eats out of my hand and will let me "pet" him from time to time. My favorite thing is when I hand feed him a chunk of dried seaweed, he will eat it then slap my hand with his tail as he swims away as saying "thanks"
ooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!! i love powder blues...i wish i had room for one..i have a powder brown, so they would probably fight!!!! i would have gotten a Blue, but the brown one was in stock at my lfs and it was sick!!! i treated him..he is a happy addition!!!
I love powder blues too, one of my fav's. I was thinking about getting one too, but there is a regal in QT so i think that one blue is enough....i kind like the rainbow effects of differetn fish:p

Okay so this might be the thread I'm looking for. I'm in the midst of setting up a 75 gallon reef. I'd like to have 1 or 2 Tangs. What I'd really like to do is put them, 1 or both in my 46 bowtank for a week or so to take care of my algae problem...lol then move them to the 75. I obviously wouldn't even purchase them until the 75 is ready. I'd QT them first in a 29 QT. I have had a Regal Tang but got it very small and it battled ich until it died. This was before I really knew much about hyposalinity treatments. By the time I learned, it was too late. Grrr...my own fault. I would like to try another Regal and maybe a Yellow Tang. However, I have read that the Yellows are quite aggressive. I also realize that the 75 might not be quite large enough for 2. I will have a 29 gallon sump/fuge added to the 75 also. Any suggestions would be great!! I also really like the Scopaz...so it'd have to be either a yellow or a scopaz...lol. I'm a lil' leary of the probably ich problems associated with the Regal Tang. Are Yellow and Scopaz less susceptible? I need all the Tang info I can get on Tangs appropriate to my size tank. Some day, I'll set up a larger tank...Some day I'll own a Powder Blue!!!
Tang Info for Sid.

"Quote I would like to try another Regal and maybe a Yellow Tang."

My Brother in-law has this combination in a 90 cube Sid and they get along very well.
As for the Zebrasoma scopas - Brown Scopas Tang. I have one that is a very good grazer and is one of the more friendlier fish in my tank.. A great choice for clean up with its extended mouth;)

"Quote Some day I'll own a Powder Blue!!!"

I bought mine 2 years ago from Barbie & Cameron when they had Oceanview Aquatics it was their opening sale he was 28$ for a 2" he has grown up but BOY THEY ARE THE BOSS OF THE TANK but man so pretty They tend to like grazing from the tank glass I don't scrape the back just for him..
Hope this helps a little Sid good luck in your choices..Jeff
I would like to try another Regal and maybe a Yellow Tang. However, I have read that the Yellows are quite aggressive.
i have a yellow with 4 regals and a powder brown..they get along just fine!!!
My yellow tang was the "Peace keeper". When I first introduced a 6 line wrasse my royal gramma would chase it a bit. The tang would swim between the two and cut the royal gramma off. Lol, it was hilarious! The other two became good buddies though after a short time!:D
this might sound weird but my yellow tang does nothing but hide. the only time that it comes out is when I am feeding and even then is hard. I have a blue velvet damnsel in there with it and thats all for fish and I can' get it to swim at all really.

I also see that the top fin is really really shot. I am not sure why. T damnsel dosen't attack it at all but for some reason it just won't grow. I thought that it might be some kind of fin rot but I thought that would effect all of the fins not just the top.

any one got any ideas?
Here's my big tang he is about 12-13 inches. Grumpy little sh*t bites the hand that feeds and love to pick up corals and drop them on other corals. In a 500 gallon plus tank he loves life. Old pic he is camera shy, has grown quite a bit since picture.
that's funny that you mention it picking up corals..i watched mine repeatedly pick up marble sized rocks and drop them a few weeks ago..i had never heard of them doing that before