The Time Has Come!! 60 gal sps......

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Thinking about changing

Well...... getting a little tired of my closed the pump, ball valves sticking. So i think i am gonna shut it down and go with either a eco tech or a tunze. I don't know if i do this if the water sitting in the loop pipes will cause a problem. Any thoughts?? It would be a MAJOR PITA to take the pipes off.
Plug the bulkheads with threaded plugs from HD (if your bulkheads are threaded inside). Then just drain your closed loop completely, you don't want to leave any water in there. As for the vortechs do some research, I beleive it was jnarowe that had some really bad experience with them (overheating acrylic).
Well it has been awhile with an update but before the pics....a little history. About 2 ½ months ago I started experiencing a slower growth and loss of color in some of my sps as well as little to no polyp extension. I immediately attributed the problem on my reefer slackness because I had broke my calcium reactor ( Why...Why do I HAVE to tinker with things!) and had just been dosing until I got around to buying a new one. Well I am not the best at that so when I tested the water.....calcium 330 (okay!:badgrin:) and the alk 5.6 (Even better!!!) alright what about trates 40! ( Man I am batting 1,000!). So off I went and purchased a new calcium reactor, did a large water change and cleaned the skimmer ( Wasn't the last time I did this 2 months ago!) Then I waited....

Testing the water every 3rd day I was getting 450 on cal, 12 on alk and zero on the trates! All solved......RIGHT!:) NOPE, still was having the same problems. I had changed out my lights to a different spectrum for a "bluer' look and thought maybe that was it soooooooo......I bought all new bulbs of the first combination I was running. After a few weeks NOTHING in FACT they were getting worse!

I tapped into ALL my reef knowledge and started to meticulously going over all the things different in the tank....I was pulling out my hair! Well I really don't have that much to pull out but you get the picture. So I go back to square the thing that has worked for me not only in reef tanks but FOWLR and freshwater alike....OBSERVATION. I looking at my fading little Tri Color examine every little nook and.......WHAT THE HELL ARE ALL THOSE LITTLE RED THINGS:evil:! Now some people have this great little red bug whip to make these critters behave, but mine I believe aren't gonna listen to me!:) At this point I haven't quite decided what I am going to do A) Treat in tank and lose all my hermits, cocopods and amphipods or B) Set up a separate tank to dose all my smooth skinned sps. Time will tell!

On an awesome wife bought me a great birthday gift....a Nikon d40!
I don't have a macro yet(just ordered it) but here are some shots.


AND NOW I circled some of the critters (remember I don't have a Macro yet!​

Oregon Tort before​

And All bugged out!​

Full tank Shot​


Hope all is well with everyone else's tank. As i get this camera down i will add more shots!
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nice shots Willie! What were your settings on your camera when u took those pics? I have the same camera, but my pics don't look as nice as yours!:cry::confused:
Okay I have decided to treat my whole tank for Red Bug........going to the vet right now to try and score some interceptor....wish me luck!:):)
Print out some literature to explain why you need them because I kid you not 75% of the vets don't know why we use interceptor in the hobby.
I started treating for RB on Saturday. Refired up the skimmer and added carbon yesterday. Not a sign of RB and my corals are already showing a better PE. :DWill do a 50% water change today. Can't wait for the colors to reappear!:)
Well it's been abot 2 1/2 weeks since treatment and i see NO RB!:D Now i am on a quest to get my corals color back. I have been reading a thread on Amino Acids and may dose them, not sure yet. Anyone else dose AA? What do you use? Are they doing anything for your corals?
Sooooo many Q's so little time! LOL

Side note: I have read RB don't attack millies but my pink millie was looking REAL bad. Since the treatment it has done a 180 and looking good again. Anyone with past RB have them attack millies also??
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Hey Willie that is what I heard also that they don't attack millies only smooth skinned sps. When I was infested everything in my tank suffered not just the smooth skinned sps and also i took a closer look at the millies and sure enough they were on there. I beleive they have their preference but I think they will attack any sps JMO. As for the AA I never used it. After a month from treatment all my sps started to gain its bright colors and now that i got the cyano under control (thanks to Todd) my tank never looked better PE is much longer and growth has taken off. I can't keep up with the calcium consumption in my tank i need a calcium reactor now.