Well your going to think I'm crazy

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It is super!

Tested the water today
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 2ppm

I'll check it again thursday and then saturday morning and if theres no change, a few of the fish are going in!
If they only new, they would be excited too. LOL!
It is super!

Tested the water today
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 2ppm

I'll check it again thursday and then saturday morning and if theres no change, a few of the fish are going in!
If they only new, they would be excited too. LOL!

Can they see their new Mansion from where they are now??
WOW! Big changes since my last visit, going to be one awesome Reeftank Lorrie. I'm heading back over your way again this weekend to finish cabinet install and will bring you mentioned zoas and Lavender Tort frag.

Cheers, Todd
thanks Todd.
You have to stop over before you leave then and take your frags back with you. Dont forget!
Thanks everyone.

I have more rock too, but its not cured. I'll rinse it good and then add it a little bit at a time.
Now I have to start arranging and gluing down the coral.
Lorrie , you have so uch pateince. I would have just gone hog wild and put that rock in and let it cure in my tank. Thats why your a mod and I'm not.
Lorrie , you have so uch pateince. I would have just gone hog wild and put that rock in and let it cure in my tank. Thats why your a mod and I'm not.

Yeah, I dont know about that. I have to show some real patience now. My blue hippo tang and the carribean blue is both showing signs of ick. I dropped the salinity down to 1.018 this morning, will drop it a little more tomorrow.
Well probably a little, but the blue hippo has been showing signs for maybe 6 months. About every 3 weeks or so a dozen parasites would show up and then be gone in a few days. Its never been more than a donzen or so and no one else was showing signs. I still cant really tell if the carribean has them or not. He doesnt have the same looking spots as the hippo. The hippo you can see they are actually parasites and the carribean has really really tiny spots. It might not be ick at all. It could be just the coloring of the carribean and the hippo could be getting some other parasite.
They are like a 16th of an inch long at most, and attached by one end almost burrowing into the skin. He doesnt flash on anything. He acts normal. They all eat great. I'll see if I can get pics of them next time he has them. I am dropping the salinity more today so hopefully they dont come back.
Well on the bright side Lorrie, all the corals will have a better chance to settle in before being knocked over by the Tangs. Or is it just my Rowdy Tangs that do this ???

Cheers, Todd
Well on the bright side Lorrie, all the corals will have a better chance to settle in before being knocked over by the Tangs. Or is it just my Rowdy Tangs that do this ???

Cheers, Todd

LOL Todd,
Your chances of corals getting knocked around would diminish drastically if you didnt have 20 Tangs in your tank. LOL

Sorry to hear your tangs have been stressed. You know what you have to do now.